Spreading The News
Chapter 38
Moana's POV
Two weeks later...
So Loi asked me out last night... and I said YES!!!! I really like him so the fact that he asked me out last night puts me over the moon. I haven't had the chance to tell Maui and Tama, but I'm about to right now. I really hope they're happy for me, especially Maui. Given the events of the past couple of months, I'm a little worried about what his reaction might be. I stroll through the village until I find them down on the shore. That figures. I mentally facepalm myself. I should have known to check the shore first.
"Hey Maui, hey Tama. Whatcha doing?" They both smile warmly at me. "Just taking a break from helping the fishermen with their catch of the day. What about you Moana?" they ask in unison. I smile back at them and respond with "Just taking a break from my chiefly duties. By the way, I have some news that I wanted to tell you both." They both lean in closer to me, their expressions eager to hear what I have to say. "Loi and I have been getting closer these past few weeks, in which I've obviously started developing feelings for him." Tama puts a hand on my shoulder with a joyous smile while Maui just nods, looking neither sad or happy. I bite my lip nervously. "Well he asked me out last night... and I say yes."
Tama lifts me up in the air and puts me on his shoulder. "Well that's awesome darling. Congratulations." Maui says nothing so Tama nudges him hard on the shoulder. He then mumbles "Congrats" with a forced smile. I frown slightly, but quickly cover it up with a smile. At least Tama's happy for me. One is better than none. Though honestly, I really thought that Maui and I had moved past our little squabble not too long ago. I'm not so sure about him these days... I'm really worried. I want the old Maui back. This new version of him isn't one that I'm a hundred percent fond of.
Maui's POV
I promise you that I'm happy for Moana, I just don't care for Loi. He's a little sketchy in my opinion and I don't want him breaking her heart as badly as I did. I know that Moana can't take anymore strain on her heart. I can tell she's a little annoyed with my lack of excitement, which is why I'm going to explain to her about my actions. "Mo, can you hold on for a minute?" Moana huffs and rolls her eyes, but stays where she is, though folding her arms across her chest. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry if my reaction to your news seemed fake. I'm really happy for you. I just don't want to see Loi break your heart... the way I did. I wouldn't be able to bear seeing you heartbroken again."
Moana's annoyed expression shifts to one of sincerity. "Maui, I can't promise that Loi won't hurt me, but what I will promise is that I learned a lot from our relationship and breakup, in which I will apply those lessons to Loi and I's. I will try to be stronger this time around." I give her a gentle smile and pull her in for a hug. "I love ya Mo." A giggle slips out of her. "I love ya too Maui. You're a goof sometimes you know." I chuckle. "So I'm told everyday."
Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

An Ageless Love (Maui x Tamatoa Fanfic)
FanfictionMaui's been dating Moana for a year now, but lately he's been finding himself having romantic thoughts about a certain half human half monster (Tamatoa). Does he stay with Moana because of everything they've been through or does he jump ship? Read t...