Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!

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Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! 

Chapter 8 

Tamatoa's POV

 Maui and I are officially a couple. It's both amazing and funny at the same time. It's funny because Maui and I despised each other for the longest time. I'll admit that he wasn't the only one at fault for what he did to me, I played just as equal of a role in it, if not more so. I'm just so thankful that we made amends, became good friends, and now have fall in love with one another. The best part about being with Maui is that I don't have to worry too much about one of our life spans ending quickly because we're both immortal. 

  Night is beginning to fall so Maui and I decide to sail back to Lalatoi. It only takes about a half an hour to sail there and back from this island. As Maui sails, I lean my head on his shoulder and he wraps a strong arm around me. "The sunset is absolutely beautiful. I wonder what it must be like to watch it rise too." Maui chuckles to himself. "What's so funny Maui?" He rubs my back and smiles at me. "You're cute Crab Cakes." I blush and hide my face as Maui did earlier. Maui gently takes my claws, which are my pathetic excuses for hands, and removes them from my face. With a smirk he says "There. Much better. For the record, I like the view of you much better than some silly sunset."  

   I laugh lightly. "You're quite the smooth talker Maui. No wonder why you always managed to escape from my lair unharmed for the most part time and time again." Maui's bright smile turns into a scowl. I immediately mentally slap myself. Why must I always say stupid things and not be able to keep my damn mouth shut? I then slap myself literally, leaving a red mark on my cheek. "That was stupid of me to say Maui. I'm really sorry." Maui simply shrugs it off, which leaves me with mixed emotions. 

    We ride in silence until we reach Lalatoi. When we're outside of my lair, I pause in the entrance. "M-Maui? Are we okay?" He nods and gives me a pained smile. Something's definitely bothering him. "Maui, I know you're upset. Please talk to me Babe." Maui looks at me with glassy eyes. "Tama, I'm worried about what's going to happen when we get back to Montonui. I don't know how the people there are going to react to us being a couple, especially Moana. She's my best friend and our relationship might set her over the edge. I need you to promise me that you're going to get spiteful and throw it in her face." I grunt back in response. Maui's glassy stare becomes a serious one. "No Tama seriously, you need to promise me that you will be respectful to her, especially about our relationship." I sigh. "Fiiiinnnneee. I promise to be respectful to Moana and not rub our relationship in her face." 

   Maui gives me a nod of satisfaction. "So Maui, where do you want to sleep while you're here? I have a guest room you could stay in or you could sleep with me in my bed. That is if you want to of course." The more I stare at Maui, the more obvious the bags under his eyes are. He looks like he hasn't slept in days. He probably hasn't with the stress that he's been under. "I think I'll sleep alone tonight Tama. I just don't feel like being bothered. It's nothing personal I promise. I'll sleep with you tomorrow night though." A pang of sadness hits me but I hide it for Maui's sake. "That's fine." I go to kiss Maui goodnight but he pulls back. Now that hits me really hard. He simply gives me a small nod and makes his way to the guest room. 

     When Maui's out of earshot, I sit on my bed like a wimp and burst into tears. Why must I make so many mistakes and hurt those who actually love me? I need to do better or I'll be spending hundreds of centuries alone again. I don't want to be alone again. All I truly want Maui, his love, and loyalty. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! This will be my only update today because I'm super tired and my brain isn't working great tonight. By the way, thank you for over 100 reads. <3 -Mary 



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