A Shocking Piece Of News
Chapter 77
Tamatoa's POV
That night...
Maui met me for an early dinner tonight so that I'd have enough time to check on Mo before she goes to sleep. I knock on her door and wait patiently for her to answer, in which she does a moment later. Nerves are plastered all over her face. "H-Hey Tama. What's up?" Concern immediately overcomes me. "Are you okay Mo?" She shakes her head no and goes to sit on her bed. I sit down beside her and gently take her hands in mine. "What's going on Mo? Whatever it is, you can tell me. You know that." Tears prickle at the corners of her eyes. "Do you promise that you won't freak out after I tell you?" I nod. "I promise I won't freak out. Now please tell me." She takes a deep breath and says "LoiandIhadsexnottoolongbeforewebrokeupandIjustfoundoutthatI'mpregnant."
I look at her in confusion. "You said that a little too fast Mo. Can you repeat that again for me, but this time slower?" Mo nods. "Loi and I had sex not too long before we broke up and I just found out that I'm pregnant." I look at her in pure shock. "Y-You are?" She nods hesitantly. "I took a test five times just to confirm that I am and I am." That tears that simply teased her eyes now stream down her face. "I don't want a baby Tama. I'm not fit to be a mother. I can't do this on my own." I pull her towards me as her loud sobs fill the room. When the sobs subside, I use the opportunity to speak. "Listen Mo, Maui and I have been thinking about having a baby. If you carried the baby to term, we could raise the child as our own and you could see him or her whenever you want. How does that sound?" Mo wipes her tears away and leans her head on my chest. "I'd like that, though is Maui going to be mad? I know he's still a little hesitant about things."
I swat her worries away. "He'll be fine with it. What's most important to us is the safety of you and the baby and your happiness. We'll be here for you every step of the way along with your parents. You're not alone in this. You don't Loi. He's a coward. You have several good people in your life who love you so much and will do everything they can to help you. The bright side is that since you're an immortal demigoddess, your pregnancy won't last as long. For mortals it obviously lasts nine months but for you it will only be five months." Moana nods, silently absorbing everything that I'm saying. "W-What if my parents are ashamed of me?" I put a hand to her cheek and caress it gently. "Your parents would never be ashamed of you. You're so lucky to have parents as loving as yours. Maui and I never had parents like yours and if we could turn back the clock, we sure as hell would have loved to have parents like yours. Parents that actually cared about us and had a good heart."
A small whimper escapes Mo's mouth. "I-I'm scared to lose them Tama. They're going to die one day, possibly in the near future. My mom's health isn't great and my dad is starting to become rather feeble." I squeeze her hands tightly. "Just make sure you spend all of the time that you can with them." She nods and we sit in silence for a bit before Mo falls asleep on my shoulder. Not wanting to wake her, I wrap a blanket around the two of us and end up falling asleep myself. If Maui comes by later, I'll explain everything to him.
Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

An Ageless Love (Maui x Tamatoa Fanfic)
FanfictionMaui's been dating Moana for a year now, but lately he's been finding himself having romantic thoughts about a certain half human half monster (Tamatoa). Does he stay with Moana because of everything they've been through or does he jump ship? Read t...