It's Maui Time

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It's Maui Time

Chapter 6

Tamatoa's POV

A few days later...

  I'm going about my usual routine of grumbling about the world, admiring my collection of shiny things, and thinking about Maui. Ah crap did I say that last part out loud? Yeah, I think I did. My sincerest apologizes babe. I've just been missing that stubborn, arrogant, and dare I say sexy demigod of the wind and sea lately. It's rumored that he's on his way to visit me, but I'll believe it when I see it. 

 Three hours later...

  My stomach no longer being able to take not having food it in, it grumbles in rage, forcing me to have to go out and get some food. I sigh and slowly crawl out of my lair. Just as I do, someone comes crashing right into me. Anger boils within me. "HOW DARE YOU CRASH INTO ME YOU----" My breath hitches itself as I'm face to face with Maui. He looks into my eyes, his showing an array of fear. I frown and motion for him to come to me. He hesitates but ends up doing so. "Maui, don't scare me like that. You know how I get when people scare me." Maui laughs his famous deep throaty laugh that is music to my ears. "I'm sorry Tama." He playfully pouts. "Do you forgive me?" I pretend like I have to think about it. "I forgive you Maui. Anyways, what brings you here? I know you've been pretty busy with demigod duties to attend to back on the island Moana lives on. What's it called again?" 

  Maui laughs. "It's called Montonui and yes I've been quite busy this past year." His joyful expression shifts into a more serious and sorrowful one. "I've really missed you Tamatoa. I'm sorry I haven't been back much these days. I'm here now though for at least a month." My heart begins to skip a beat. A whole month with Maui without him running off to play demigod. That's a dream come true. I give him a small smile. "That's wonderful. It'll be nice to have your company again. I've missed you too by the way." A small blush creeps onto both his face and mine.

    I stare at Maui silently for a couple of minutes before I realize that something's troubling him. "Maui, you're not okay, are you?" He hangs his head down and refuses to meet my eyes. "I did something really stupid back in Montonui." I use a claw and gently lift his face to get him to look at me. "Whatever it is you've done Maui, I'm fairly certain I've done far worse. What's troubling you?" His shoulders shake and a sob escapes him. I feel my little heart starting to break. In all of the centuries that I've known Maui, I've never seen him break down before. It's not a pleasant sight at all. "I broke Moana's heart and now she hates me." I rub his back soothingly. "Tell me more babe." "I-I broke up with Moana because I have feelings for someone else and I'm afraid I've lost her forever."

    Well that was definitely not what I was expecting. "I'm sure she'll get over it in time Maui. As for whoever you have feelings for, they're a really lucky person to be loved by you." I put a claw to my mouth out of embarrassment. I can't believe I actually said those words out loud to him. Thankfully, Maui's sobs cease and a smile tugs at his mouth. "Thank you Tama. That means a lot to me. Are you sure I'm not interrupting anything in your life right now with my presence?" I can't help but laugh at that. "I don't have much of a life to begin with Maui. I live most of my life through the eyes out of other creatures and occasional humans, demigods, and gods/goddesses that happen to visit. I hardly ever even leave my lair other to get food and some revenge on certain individuals from time to time." Maui leans his head on my shoulder and I wrap an arm/claw around him. "How about I take on a little day trip tomorrow Tama?" A true smile comes across my face. "I'd love that Maui."

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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