Can You Forgive Me?
Chapter 35
Maui's POV
A month later...
I've been isolating myself for a month according to my rock wall calendar. I finally came to a decision last night and I'm leaving right now to go back to Montonui. I need to show Tama that I love him and only him. He's the one I chose. I just hope he forgives me for being such an asshole. I don't deserve his love after all I've done to hurt him. It's going to take me a couple of days to get back to Montonui by flying, but when I get there, I'm immediately going to find Tama and apologize.
Two days later...
I manage to get to Tama in two days time, that making me right on schedule. I land on the shore of Montonui with a thud, getting a mouthful of sand which I spit out with disgust. God sand tastes disgusting. I make my way through the village to find Tama and Moana sitting outside of her hut. My hands and legs shake as I make my way to them. When I'm standing in front of them, I nearly fall to the floor. Both of them stare at me in shock and look at one another, silently asking which one of them should speak first. Moana steps forward and looks up at me. "How could you just leave like that Maui? We've been worried sick about you for a month, both of us crying ourselves to sleep every night, praying to the Gods that we'd do anything to get you back."
I down at the ground in shame. "I'm so sorry for what I put you both through. I care about you so much. I'm a horrible person and your lives would be so much less complicated without me in them, yet I need the both of you in order to survive. You're both of my lifelines in different ways." I slowly look up and find Tama moving closer to me with an eyebrow raised. "What do you mean by in different ways? I'm taking it you finally made a decision?" I nod. "I have and I choose you Tama. It's always been you. I was too stupid to realize it sooner and I'm sorry for taking so long to do so. I love you. I'm so in love with you babe. Please forgive me and continue to be the love of my life."
I get down on my knees and literally beg for his forgiveness. He smirks and pretends to contemplate the decision before getting on the ground and taking my hands in his. "I forgive you big jackass. By the way, I love you." I pull him close to me and kiss him like it's life or death, which to some degree it was. As for Moana, I'm going to talk to her in private later. I hope she understands as well and forgives me like Tama did.
Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! <3 -Mary

An Ageless Love (Maui x Tamatoa Fanfic)
FanfictionMaui's been dating Moana for a year now, but lately he's been finding himself having romantic thoughts about a certain half human half monster (Tamatoa). Does he stay with Moana because of everything they've been through or does he jump ship? Read t...