Dress Me Up

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Award seasons are around the corner...

Being nominated is always a great honor of course but let's all be honest, at times we all wish to win.

Qing and I are not dissimilar to all of you. We also wanted to win. That's why when we learn that the both of us are nominated in different music shows, tension slowly rise as days went by.

We trust the fans of course. Competitions are fierce, but I believe that nothing can beat fans' determination. Fans support can make or break an artist.

Qing, even if he said that singing is the least of his priorities, acting and hosting are his natural talent, is still feeling the tension. He is up with tough competitions. Sometimes I will catch him staring at nothing in particular, lost in his thoughts. I knew deep inside he worries too. Could he win? Was his efforts enough for him to take a throphy? Thoughts like that invade his mind too.

He is still human after all...

Of course, if the award season is up, so is the pressure to present your best in front of everyone. Dressing the part is important.

Good news for Qing, with his imposing height, muscular body, handsome face and fair complexion anything will look good on him.

Sometimes I envy him, especially his height.

Still, the pressure is on for our stylists to dress us up for the coming award shows.

Today, our living room is littered with racks of formal attires in different colors. From bright red to pastel blue to all black and white. Colorful ties, bow ties, hats etc etc are lined up for our stylists to choose from.

I am enjoying myself immensely, of course, watching Qing took off his clothes, wear one outfit, take if off again then repeat the process.

What? That's mine, I have paid to leer at that body. (Evil laughter)

Qing: What do you think?

He is wearing a burgundy colored suit.

Me: (showing a thumbs down) Why not go with black? You love black.

Qing: Yeah,but people will expect me to wear black. Maybe I wanna surprise them a little.

Me: Do you want to surprise them?

Qing: (sighing heavenward) I don't know...

Me: (laughing a little) Your vanity is showing.

Qing's stylist: (while sitting beside me and sipping tea) I'd say let's do black.

My stylist: (sitting on my other side) Black or not black. I just want to find a suit for Qing ge. We need to move on to Dayu cause he can be difficult to dress.

Me: (taking offense) Hey! Qing is a lot more picky than me when it comes to dressing.

Qing's stylist: Just give your opinion Dayu so we can move on.

They all look at me.

Me: (sighing) If I'm being selfish I would say don't wear black. You look too handsome in black. You look too sexy in black...

Qing: (snapping his fingers) Black it is!

My face crumpled while the stylists cried "finally". They laid out all outfits with black on it so Qing can try them all. After hours of fitting this suit and that suit, Qing finally got his choices. He will look dashing in those suits he picked out.

Then there's me...

It took the remaining afternoon for us to find several outfits for me. With both the stylists and Qing being too critical, fitting proved to be hell for me. By the time we all agreed on a certain outfits, I am hungry, yawning and grumpier than Qing. (Imagine that!)

The stylists left after cleaning the mess we made. Neatly racking all the suits again and separating the ones we chose. They will alter them a little for a more perfect fit look. There was time so they were not too pressured.

After the clean up, we said our goodbyes and Qing and I were left alone.

Me: (turning to Qing) Will you really wear the necklace?

Qing: Of course. My stylist said that it fit the suit's style. That it won't hinder the suit's effect instead that necklace can be an accessory for the suit to stand out more.

Me: Fans will surely notice that necklace. I have the other one, remember.

Qing: (shrugging) So? Let's give them something to toy about. Fans are wonderful, they are way better than paparazzis, that's for sure.

We smile while thinking of our active and lively fans. But my mind came back to that piece of jewelry.

The necklaces are a pair. Our stylists found them and liked it so they showed it to us. They look stylish enough so we okayed in buying them for Qing and I to use.

Nowadays, nothing much can escaped the fans' eyes and camera lenses. They will capture many moments, scrutinize every clothing items, every accessories they can find on us until they found something resembling a "couple's item".

But I will trust the stylists and Qing's choices. Like I said, no need to worry cause Qing will look good on anything.

Besides, at the end of the day, outfits are just part of the show. What's more important is for our hard works to be appreciated.

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