Wrap it Up 2017

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Happy Holidays everyone.

Wow! We have done it. Survived 2017. Go us...

I mean, I will admit, this year had poised obstacles on my way. Some I thought will break me. What I wrote here in my diary doesn't even cover one third of what happened to me this year.

Believe me, I don't write everything here. I still keep things to myself.

2017 is meaningful in a way that I did a lot of "growing up" and "maturing" this year. I turned 25, thank you very much, and I think I am starting to approach and look at life in a slightly different lens.

I guess I am "adulting".

But no matter the obstacles and trials, what is important is that I learned a lot this year. I know, it's too optimistic, that line. But it's the truth. After all is said and done, sometimes the only take out is being grateful that at least you learned something from going through pain and trials.

Learning how to grit your teeth. To hold on to your temper. To discern what you can reveal and what you should keep inside you. Learning who you can trust and those you have to avoid. Learning how to play nice and when to show them your other side. You know, the "other side". The crazy side.

We all have that "other side", don't dare deny it.

Anyways. 2017 is over. Qing and I had a wonderful holiday. Look out for the photos I had with my team. The people who I worked with everyday. My support group. They grumbled about it but I managed to convince them to join me in a photoshoot.

The photo thing is my idea of course. And I am proud to say that. Even though there are complaints.

Manager: It's a tacky idea.

Assistant: Yes, I agree, it's a tacky idea. But a sweet one too.

Stylist: Do we have to?

Me: Of course! It's to commemorate this year. We survived it!

Dance Tutor: It? Maybe you mean you. We survived you...

Me: (squinting) Am I such a trial to work with?

Manager: (looking at my assistant) Is he serious with that question?

Assistant: (pondering while looking at me) I think he is. But it's Dayu talking so I am not sure. It's fifty fifty...

They are too much.

Me: (pouting) You all love me. Stop acting like you don't...

Dance Tutor: Of course we love you. Especially when you are being agreeable.

Manager: (clapping his hand) Okay, that's enough! Let's just do this so it will be over. I will admit it. Dayu had been a essentially good boy this year. He had worked hard so let's all give this to him as his reward.

Everyone grumbled but we all smile when that photographer said "smile".

It was a nice day and the photos went out well.

Now that 2017 is over, obviously what will follow is 2018. I wonder what kind of year it will be. But for sure we all have to keep working hard in achieving our goals and dreams. That one should be constant.

I will close this chapter, year, of my life with a light heart. With a hopeful heart that in 2018 we will all still be together. And that you will still support me and look out for the things and projects that I will do.

I am excited for 2018 to be honest. A new year always promises new hopes and adventures. I hope we will all still go through it together.

Let's say goodbye to 2017 and welcome the coming year with hope in our hearts everyone. Let's let go of all the bad feelings 2017 imposed on us and greet 2018 with a clean slate. That way, we will have a clean heart and mind to welcome the blessings 2018 will come with.

Good luck to us and see you all soon as we start a new chapter and new year.

This had been Feng Jian Yu of 2017. Thank you for being with me.

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