Good and Brave pt1

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I regret a lot of things in my life. From simple things to some quite serious and deep stuffs.

Example of simple stuff: I regret eating two cups of extra chunky rocky road ice cream last night. Now, my butt and the porcelain throne in the bathroom are having a serious talk this morning.


Yeah, gross I know.

Example of serious and deep thing: I regret not running faster to go home from primary school, one winter day. If I have run faster, I could have got in time to say my final goodbye to my grandfather. But no, I was a minute too late, he died without me by his side. He got GrandMa and my parents there but still...I miss my GrandPa.

(Oh Dayu) I said, I regret a lot of things. Regrets can be part of our lives as well.

Have you guys regretted laughing at something funny? It was a way. Until it's not.

I regret laughing at Qing's story. It was funny, in one perspective, but I regret laughing at him.

It all started when I remembered my promise to Qing's sister.

Remember Qing's sister JiJi? Well, she made me promise to come with her and Qing's Mama as they shop gifts for Christmas. I mean, I love spending time with the women in Qing's family, but...sigh. And I love shopping, I do. I mean, I am a bit stingy and keen to keep on my budget line but I do love buying stuffs I like to wear or use. Qing and I love to shop...

But you see...

Shopping with women and shopping with Qing are two polar opposite. Shopping with Qing can be fun and simple. And it mostly involved a laptop and a reliable online shop.

We can even shop while we are naked and in bed. An example is when we shopped one day when I got a small break from shooting on ShenZhen.

Qing: (lying on his stomach with me on the bed) (gazing at the laptop) (pointing at something) What do you think of this one?

Me: We have too much hoodie already. And you really don't like that brand.

Qing: But I like the color. You love blue too.

Me: Still...wait, what about this one.

Qing: I don't love yellow, Dayu. Especially on shirt.

Me: But it's on sale and it's within my price.

Qing: (wincing) Do you want to buy it?

Me: I think I will look smashing on it.

Qing: (sighing) Then let's buy it.

Me: (clicking the buy button) Okay. (Kissing Qing's cheek) Thank you.

Qing: The next item will be decided by me.

Me: Sure...

Ten minutes later, we bought a pair of earrings I liked and a pair of gloves for Qing that I chose.

Me: You need gloves. Winter is coming.

Qing: It's just September.

Me: You will use it.

Qing: Why do I keep saying yes to you?

Me: (batting my eyelashes) Because I am cute and you love me.

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