The day we lied to each other pt 1

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What would you do if you caught your lover lying red handed?

Wow...that's a long question, right? Well a week ago I caught Qing lying to me.

I know, I know, lying is so out of character for the man that's why I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I mean, Qing is an honest person, straight (well you know what I mean) and sometimes even bluntly frank.

His friends and family knew I was special to Qing because of the fact that when he is being honest with me, he do it in the nicest, most gentle way he can think of.

To others he will give the truth to them like a punch in the gut. Or a hammer in a head. Painful...

So when Xiao suddenly messaged me and said that he saw Qing in Beijing when he was supposed to be in Shanghai shooting, I told my friend he was just seeing things.

Xiao: Dayu, I only know one person who looks and moves and has a presence like your boyfriend. And that is your boyfriend. I am telling you, he is here in the hotel...

Me: That's impossible because he just left this morning for his shooting in Shanghai. Why would he be back in Beijing?

Xiao: I don't know! I called you because I thought you are here in this hotel too...

Me: (annoyed) Why are you in a hotel here in Beijing anyway?

Xiao: Our company is having a biconference with another company here in Beijing. And wait a second, why are getting mad at me? I just called to ask if you are with Qing ge in this hotel so I can see you!

Now my friend sounded pissed, which I can't blame him for because it's a talent of mine, to make people defensive and pissed.

Me: I am not angry. I'm just surprised. What is he doing?

Xiao: Just having dinner with someone.

Me: Can you take a picture and send it to me?

I regretted that request as soon as those words left my mouth. I heard Xiao's shocked gasp on the other line.

Me: I didn't mean it! Please don't send me any pics!

Xiao: (sounding exasperated) Even of you meant it I will not send any pictures to you! Dayu, you love this guy. You trust him. What is happening to you?

Me: I don't know! What hotel?

Xiao: You will come here?

Me: Yes. You know me Xiao. I won't be able to rest until I see it with my own two eyes. I am not paranoid or thinking anything it's just...he's supposed to be in Shanghai! He kissed me this morning saying he will be in Shanghai!

Xiao: Stop shouting! Oh you are giving me a headache. Here is the name and the address of the hotel.

He gave me the name and location of the hotel. I just picked a leather jacket, baseball cap and mask plus my phone and wallet and then I rushed out of the house. Outside I hailed a taxi. The hotel is only a twenty minutes drive from our home.

I messaged Xiao when I am already at the lobby of the hotel, with my jacket, cap and mask in place. He spotted me immediately.

Xiao: (deadpanned) You look like a bad version of a detective.

Me: Fuck you too. Now where is Qing?

Xiao: (sighing tiredly) Are we really doing this Dayu? He is just eating with someone.

Me: (snappish) It's not the eating with someone that I am worried about. He can eat with a million people I won't care. What I want to know is why he is here and not in Shanghai?!

Xiao just nodded and he guided me to a restaurant on the 6th floor of the hotel. There, in a quiet corner of the restaurant, I am seeing him clearly, is Qing. He is eating with a business looking guy whose back is facing us so I can't see his face.

Me: (shocked) It's him.

It's really him. I won't mistake my lover for any other man. I know Qing. I can feel his presence even if my eyes are closed. Or spot him anywhere even if we are separated by a distance of a basketball court.

I turn to hide. Then I walked casually out of the restaurant to lean on the wall and took out my phone. I dialed his number and wait for him to pick up.

Me: (while the phone is ringing) Xiao, check what is happening inside.

Xiao: (shaking his head pleadingly) I don't want to spy for you Dayu...

Me: Please...

He sighed because we know he can't say no to me. He slide a little, took a peek then turn to me.

Xiao: He picked up the phone.

Me: (as Qing said my name) Hi!

Qing: Why are you calling? Did something happened?

Me: No, not really. I just miss your voice. Did you get to Shanghai safely because you seem to forgot to message me when you got in there.

Qing: (hesitating a little) Oh yeah...I got here safely. No need to worry.

Me: So you are in Shanghai right now, right?

Qing: Of course, where will I be?

Me: (laughing) Exactly. Where will you be, right, safe. I love you...

Qing: (sounding rushed) Bye.

He ended the call. I feel drained. He just lied to me. And in a way, I lied to him too. So we are lying to each other now.


I slowly lean off the wall and walked away from the restaurant where the man I love, who just lied to me and I lied with, is having dinner.

And I realize I still haven't eaten dinner yet.

Xiao: (stopping me) Dayu. Are you okay?

Me: Yeah...I am okay...

But no. I am not okay. Qing just lied to me. And I lied back! What kind of fuck up situation is this?

Xiao: Maybe you should call him again and tell him you are here and you saw him.

Me: (shaking my head) Or I can just go home and rest.

Xiao: Rest or overthink. (Sighing) Dayu, overthinking is not good for you. Really?

Me: (laughing bitterly) And you just told me that now after twenty four years of friendship?

Xiao: Because you are not acting like yourself now. The Dayu I know will not rest until all his curiousities are answered.

Me: Not today. My curiousity can go to hell. I want to rest...

I turn to leave but Xiao stopped me again. He held my wrist.

Xiao: Dayu...

Me: (tiredly) Let me go Xiao.

Xiao: Do you want me to go with you? I can sleep on your guestroom and stay with you so you won't be alone.

He looked so worried so I tried smiling.

Me: You don't need to do that.

Xiao: (pulling and dragging me) I want to do it. C'mon, let's go to your house and I will stay with you tonight.

Me: (tried to stop him) Xiao really, you don't have to do this...

Xiao: Dayu!

Me: Xiao!

Xiao: Dayu!

Qing: Dayu?

I froze. My eyes going round and I gave Xiao a panicked look.

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