The Lesson on Cheating pt1

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The saying says "You learn something new everyday..."

Well today, I learn that I am a kind of person that is susceptible to suggestion and a bit gullible.

Are you all curious? In truth I don't want to write these here as I thought you all already think that I am a crazy person.

But what is one more craziness, right? It's not like if you learn more about my crazy stunts, you will all decide not to like me anymore. Hmmmm...

Anyway, you are all looking at me impatiently, asking why am I still rambling.

(Dayu, if you decided to tell us the story, then say it already! For goodness sake!)

Well, excuse me! I am rambling to compose myself and if you all believe that then I have more bullsh*ts to sell to you guys!


I think I like rambling for a lot of reasons. First, when I am nervous. Second, when I am guilty. And third, because I want to annoy the hell out of Qing.

I will start then...

It began after we had lunch as I watch Qing's assistant tried to console my assistant because the boyfriend of my assistant decided that it's cool to cheat.

Bastard! That one...

My assistant's ex...not Qing's assistant.

Qing's assistant: Did you break up with him already?

(Note: Qing's assistant is a guy. Mine is a girl. But for some reason, they symphathize perfectly with each other. Maybe because they have the same hard job of having Qing as their boss. Me? They love me, of course! I am easy to work with, you know!)

(Qing is giving side comments again saying my assistant once complained to him about me. He said, and I quote, "She said you are a brat and not easy to work with...really not...)

Let's ignore him.

Back to our story.

My assistant: (sniffing) I did. I can't take it anymore. He already cheated on me three times.

Me: (mouth falling open) Thrice? Why you stupid girl, why didn't you break up with him the first time?! Are you really this stupid?!

The two assistants jumped in fright at my sudden outbursts. I smiled at them.

Me: Don't mind me. Go on.

Qing's assistant: (giving me a nervous side glance) (patting my assistant's hand) Good for you. You had finally freed yourself from that jerk. You did the right thing breaking up with him.

My assistant: I know, I know I did the right thing hurts! I still love him.

Me: (snorting) He is a cheater! Why be hurt and sad? We should celebrate! You are finally free to find some other guy who will treat you right!

They gave me surprised looks again. I laugh and wave at them.

Me: Ignore me.

But they can't ignore me anymore. My assistant sniffed again and gave me a baleful look.

My assistant: (hurt) You must really think that I am stupid, right? Letting some loser cheat on me thrice before I break up with him!

Me: (taken aback at her sudden attack) When did I think you are stupid? If you are stupid then you should have let me have more freedom. You are worse than a jail won't even let me be on my own..

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