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We had a houseguest. And it's super cute!!!!

Remember Qing's sister? Well by now she and her husband are on their way here from their anniversary vacation. They left their puppy to us.

Their dog is a cute light brown bichon. She, it's a girl, stole my heart already.

At first, Qing is not pleased. He kept saying no to his sister's request.

Qing's sister: (irritated with her brother's behavior) It's just for a week Qing ah, I am not making you live with my dog forever.

Qing: Dayu and I are both busy, how can we take care of your puppy? Why not take her to the mauseleom?

Qing's sister: (hands in waist) Because your monster dogs are in there! How will my little cupcake fare against those devils you call dogs?

Me: Is Cupcake her name?

Qing's sister: Yes. Dayu! (She went to my side) Can you knock some sense to my brother's head? How can you live with him? With that attitude? He hates my little Cupcake, is he even human?

Me: (wincing) Qing ah likes big dogs. You know that...

Qing's sister: Whatever. Dayu, please say that you will do this favor for me. Please...

Qing: (brows furrowed) Stop putting Dayu in the middle. I said I don't like your dog here. She's not staying!

An hour later...

Me: (waving) Bye! Have fun in your trip. Cupcake say bye bye to Mommy. (Holding Cupcake's paw and waving it)

Qing's sister: Bye! Thanks again Dayu. (Cooing at Cupcake) Bye my baby, see you next week. Be nice to Uncle Dayu.

She left, after deliberately not mentioning her brother's name or even saying goodbye to him.

Qing was standing behind me with his arms crossed in his muscular chest. I turn to look at him and smile sweetly.

Me: Stop scowling. You will scare Cupcake. It's just for a week Qing. We can take care of her for seven days.

Qing: How? I have a jampacked schedule while you...

Me: I am thinking of postponing some work this week. I will also cut back on my practice schedule.

Qing: (eyes going wide) What? Why? For the dog?

Me: (shaking my head) My last blood test showed that I am a bit anemic. Doctors advised me to eat up and give myself sufficient rest.

Qing: (instantly worried) You do look pale. (Holding my cheeks gently) Did they prescribed medicine for you? Iron tablets?

Me: (nodding) And I already bought those tablets. (Holding Cupcake up) They also advised me to distress. I think she will be a nice distraction for me.

Qing stared at me while I continued to smile. Then he nodded.

Qing: Fine. You can keep the dog for one week. But don't get too attached, remember, just one week and she will go back to my sister.

Me: (sly) (put Cupcake against my cheek and pouting) Why? Don't tell me...are you jealous of little Cupcake? Because Dayu likes her?And she likes Dayu?

Qing looked nauseated with our cuteness. Then Cupcake yelped and squirmed against my hold. I almost dropped her but she just jumped from my hands to Qing's arm.

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