The Couch pt1

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I spent the better half of my morning yesterday with putting oitment patches on various parts of my aching body.

Like I am an old person with rheumatism and arthritis.

I mean there is nothing wrong with old people with rheumatism and arthritis except they should treat those ailments because our old people should live in comfort as well. They were once young and devoted themselves to being a contributing members of our society.

So we always have to be good to our elders.

Having said that, my aches came not from working hard. They didn't came from falling while dancing, from contorting my body in different poses while in pictorials or running around while doing an action scene in a drama.

It also doesn't even come from doing pleasurable things like playing basketball, hiking or having sex. Sad, I know.

My aches came from sleeping in the couch, for two straight night.

(Dayu, you slept in the couch? Why? Is there something wrong with your bed? Is it a bug again?)

No. Our bed here in the condo is fine. It's big, spacious and covered with the finest Egyptian cotton bedsheets money can buy. Our bed here is fine.

What is not fine is the mood of the other person sleeping on that bed beside me.

(*gasp* Baba? Is he sick?)

No. He is not sick. I wish he was sick. No wait! Erase that. I don't want Qing to be sick, of course. I hate it when Qing is not feeling well.

No. Qing was not sick. He is...mad at me though. Mad enough to kick me out of our bedroom and ordered me to sleep in the living room couch.

(*smothered laughter* Oh no Yuyu...)

Sure. Laugh now. I know. I am laughable.


No, it's okay. I mean, we all heard the stories. We all saw a comedy skit or a movie about it. The husband getting kicked out of the bedroom to sleep on the couch. I get it, it's really funny.

Except it's not. And my body will be the first one to protest and say that "yes, sleeping on the couch is not funny or even remotely amusing". Like that.

I mean, two nights ago is not the first time that I got booted out of our bedroom and sleep alone. Qing and I had our fair chances of annoying each other and getting kicked out of the bedroom. It's amusing once it's over but while it'a happening...uhhh not so much.

And there's also nothing amusing about the reason why Qing regulated me to sleeping in the couch. He is really mad. Like mad.

Right now, while I am typing these words, I think he is still mad at me. That is why I am using "is" instead of "was". Because Qing's irritation at me is not yet a thing in the past. It's still my present.

Anyways, wanna hear about what happened?



It all started three afternoons ago. When I received a call from Xiao...

Me: (answering my phone when I saw it was Xiao who is calling me) Hey man, wazzup?

Xiao: Nothing much, are you busy?

Me: Busy enough. Why?

Xiao: (hesitating) I see, never mind Dayu ah...

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