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The difference between me and Qing.

When Qing was busy shooting in Shanghai and I am the one that was left at home, I go crazy.

When I am busy and Qing is the one that was delegated to stay at home, I am still the one that go crazy.

Qing...he is cool no matter what.

I hate that.

That's why when I finished a pictorial early and seeing him talking on his phone again at home, conversing with someone I don't know, I waited until he was done to start being crazy.

Me: (after seeing Qing ended the call) Let's go horseback riding. Let's stay in a ranch for a week.

Qing and I go to this horse ranch owned by a good guy who is connected to Qing's parents. He and his family always welcome us when we visit to ride horses and help working on his ranch.

Qing: You will start shooting that drama, remember?

Me: Yes. But I want to go horseback riding.

Qing: Why? You don't like horseback riding.

There's truth in that statement but I'll be damned if I will admit it.

Me: Lies. I like it.

Qing: You like dancing more. And writing. Maybe hiking. Why are you suddenly wanting to go horseback riding?

Me: I just want it...

Qing: (stared intently at me)

Me: (started sweating like I am guilty of a crime) You don't want to go horseback riding?

Qing: I do. But we will not go unless you told me what is happening to you.

Me: Nothing is happening to me.

Qing: (stared intently at me again)

Me: Fine! It's my last ditch effort to save our relationship.

Qing: WHAT?

Me: (hugging him tight) I love you. I do. Please don't leave me because I am busy and not spending time with you at home.

Qing: (pushing me away) Are you okay? When did I complain that you are busy?

Me: Sure! Let it all out Qing. Get angry at me. I have been neglecting you lately. Pictorials. Shooting. Promotions. I even left Beijing. Go on. It's my fault why our relationship is failing...

Qing: (putting a palm in my mouth to stop me from talking) Is your bipolar attacking again? Who in the hell is breaking up? When did our relationship started failing?

Me: (pushing his hand away) Is it not failing?

Qing: No!

Me: Are you sure?

Qing: Yes.

Me: (sniffing) Oh are so immersed in denial that you cannot accept the fact that our relationship is sinking and it's because of me.

Qing: (confused) (looking around like he was waiting for a clown to appear) What is happening? Really.

Me: (taking his hand to pull him to the sofa) Here, sit down and let me explain it to you.

So I explained it to him. How crazy it is waiting when your partner is busy and you are just at home doing practically nothing...

Qing: (interrupting me) When did I started to become useless...?

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