Count on Me

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Who goes to an amusement park for team building?

Apparently it's me and my Chen Yang family. Chen Yang is the title of the new drama where I am casted. I will be working with some of the talented and, I just learn this as I play and spend time with them, craziest bunch of actors of today.

They are cool.

The cameras for that drama will start rolling soon. Qing is cheering me on. I am cheering him on. By getting out of his way. Qing is having a fight with his cousin. Him and Wang Zhu gege are not seeing eye to eye nowadays.

I didn't know it at first. Not until Pau messaged me and asked if Qing is okay because he apparently had a shouting match with Wang Zhu gege.

That's when I took notice of my lover's mood and discover that yes, Qing is being extra quiet as he thinks deeply.

But still, as his boyfriend, it's my job to know what is going on with my lover and to try to cheer him on.

So after observing him, I decided to talk to him before we sleep.

Me: So, how is your latest business venture? Going well? Good, good. Don't mean to pry. Why are you getting angry at me? I am not getting into your business Qing, I am just genuinely curious about you. Is that bad? I know it's your money and I should stay out of it but...

Qing; Stop! What the hell? Did you just had a whole conversation on your own?

Me: (nodding) Yes. You and I are fighting about it in my head. I am saving us time. So...we had that fight. Good. You are right, I should mind my own business but in my defense, I love you and so you agreed that yes, I have the right to ask you curious questions about your business.

Qing: Great. Now that we had the conversation aka you having it on your own, can we sleep now?

Me: (stopping him from laying properly on the bed) But the thing is, Pau messaged me and in his message, he sort of gave me an idea that you and Zhu gege are not so chummy right now.

Qing: (frowning) Chummy? Where did you get the term now?

Me: (inhaling) Oh my God, it's that bad? Your fight with Zhu gege had escalated at the point that you are deliberately ignoring my question.

Qing: (sighing) You are driving me insane.

Me: (turning serious) So tell me. What is going on?

I am seriously serious this time. I am concern about Qing. His relationship to Wang Zhu gege is essential to my lover so I want to know if I can help him to mend the rift between them.

Qing: (sighing again) Nothing really. We are dealing with different opinions with each other. It happens. Nothing too big to be concern about.

Me: (nodding) Right. Nothing too big. Cause if it's too big, Pau will not message me. If it's too big of a deal, your mother will call me to ask what is going on. I got it...

Qing: (flinching) Are you...threatening me right now?

Me: (adopting an innocent look) Who? Me? Never!

Qing: (closing his eyes) Jeez...

Me: (ignoring him) (I am on a roll) I mean, surely your mother and aunt should be aware that you and Zhu gege are going through something. Maybe they can also help...

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