Truth or Dare

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Truth or Dare? 

{I realize this is like the third part I've submitted today...I've been productive for's new}

[Read bottom section to help come up w/ Truths and/or Dares][Read Rules at bottom after reading the fanfic]

Jeremy lay on his stomach on his beanbag. It was in possession of Michael, in his basement, but it was Jeremy's, it always had been- since he got the beanbags when they were seven. At that age however, the beanbags had seemed as if they were the biggest thing on the planet. Michael's beanbag used to swallow him whole, only his legs sticking out at the bottom. Now, the bags seemed to fit each boy quite right- though Michael's still seemed to crowd around him some bit. Jeremy's legs were half on the stone floor, they had never completely fit on the beanbag, as he had always had long limbs. But all of this was fine and none of it bothered them.

The two were currently occupied in a game of Super Smash Bros. Jeremy being Tails and Michael being PacMan. There was always a dispute over who got to be PacMan, some deal of whining would go on before Jeremy finally gave into Michael's begging. This had happened so often that it was just silently agreed upon that Michael always got PacMan. Jeremy didn't mind playing as Tails, however. He felt he could relate to him to some point. He had flimsy arms and legs and was more of a follower than a leader. Also, Michael said Tails was cute, so Jeremy Happily obliged to being Tails, realizing Michael's true intent of wanting PacMan but not really caring all that much.

After about nineteen rounds, Michael's of console started to buzz, pausing the game. He swung himself forward, into a sitting position, and pressed his feet to the ground the stand up. With a groan he walked over and checked what was wrong with it. An orange light was flashing, meaning that the battery was low. Michael let out another groan and grabbed the main console, placing it in it's charging dock before returning to his beanbag and flopping down.

"Low-Charge?" Jeremy frowned, turning to Michael.

Michael nodded solemnly.

Jeremy frowned, " should be charged in like...fifteen minutes maybe?"

Another sad nod from Michael.

Jeremy grabbed the edges of his beanbag and scooted towards Michael until the bags pressed against one another, "At least now I can sit by you without worrying about your elbow hitting me in the face when you try to turn your remote...even though you're not actually dodging zombies in real life..."

Michael shrugged, "What can I say? It's just survival instincts bro."

Jeremy elbowed him in the shoulder, "Survival instincts my face! I got a black eye for a week from that!"

Michael smiled at him, looking as innocent as he could pull off, "Well it happened just before spring break so at least people didn't think you got beat up or something. . .again."

"...You're lucky this spring break is longer due to summer cuts...otherwise I'd still have that black-eye right now and I'd have to spend my entire spring-break with ice over my face."

"Aw, does little Jerry need a kissy on his eye?" Michael blinked, speaking in a baby like tone, pressing his lips together mockingly.

Jeremy pushed Michael's face away with a laugh, "Whatever." Though he wouldn't deny the kiss.

Michael leaned back in his beanbag, stretching up his arms, "Yep. Well, I do have to say, it's nice to give school a break for awhile- I just wish we could stay on break forever."

"Yeah, you seem to have a never ending war on getting your work in on time." Jeremy sat back as well.

"No, I mean, I wish we could stay on break forever so I could hang with you forever." Michael smiled at Jeremy, knowing he'd blush, doing this on purpose.

And of course, Jeremy did, looking away with a laugh.

Michael returned his glance to the ceiling, "So...what do ya' wanna' do for the remaining ten minutes while the console powers up?"

Jeremy thought for a moment, then came up with an idea, "Oh- let's do that thing that girls do at slumber parties." Jeremy grinned good-humoredly.

"Spin the bottle?"

"N-No!" "Truth or Dare."

"Ohh...yeah I've played that before."

"Alright, you go first," Jeremy sat up.


***Now, here's where you come in. Come up with Truth or Dare questions for either or both of the characters. As many as you want. I may not do all of them however. The only rules are no NSFW, sex, dicks, french-kissing, etc. Basically don't comment about any of that kind of stuff in general. Please. I just don't like writing about that kind of stuff, respect that please, alright? ^^ Just specify who the truth/dare is for in a comment below. [Please, again, follow the rules, I don't want to write for fans that won't respect these simple terms] [But seriously, I love you guys, you're the reason I want to keep writing <3- I'm giving you an opportunity, don't blow it please >w< Love ya' and thanks for all the previous and future comments, I love receiving them all <3] I'll be picking the Truth and or Dare suggestions over the next 24-48 hours [Whenever I feel inspired to write again over that period of time is when I won't be taking suggestions anymore] Try to keep the Truths/Dares in one comment; if you comment w/ some and come up with more later, instead of writing another comment just edit the original- I will look and relook over all of them a few times before I start writing the final, just incase you edited your comment, so don't worry~ Thanks again for all your inspiration and support!***

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