Love Letters

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((I think this might already be the title of a chapter but— ah, it's alright))


Jeremy was completely obvious.
To Michael, at least.
After fifteen years of friendship, Michael could read Jeremy like a book.
And after fifteen years of friendship, Michael was ready to end it.
That being said, with valentine's day coming up he was completely going to cut off his friendship with Jeremy in hopes of getting something more.
That being said. He knew exactly how to do it.

"Love letters." Michael grinned at Rich and Jake who sat in a tangle of limbs on the couch of his basement, facing Michael who stood before them with an overjoyed look.

"Isn't that like...really old school?" Jake cocked his head.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm all for grand gestures and all-"

"A note isn't a grand gesture." Michael crossed his arms over his chest, "It's probably one of the smallest."

"Putting the time and effort into a hand written confession though seems like a lot of work- especially cos you'd have to make the card look snazzy to get their attention." Rich shrugged, "Just tell him in person or call him- heck, text him even."

"I despise our generation." Michael sighed deeply.

"Look, dude, all we're saying is...don't come off too strong? I'm sure whoever you're planning on asking is a dork, but nobody-"

"I mean, it's Jeremy, so.." Michael mumbled.

Rich let out a wheeze before leaping up and turning to Jake, holding out his hand, "PAY UP, BITCH"

Jake groaned and sat up, pulling a twenty out of his pocket and slapping it harshly into Rich's hand before turning to Michael, "Scrap what I said, that kid's a total lo-"

Michael's glare grew cold.

"L—over of dorky things." Jake clearly his throat.

"Nice save." Rich smirked before curling back up beside Jake who flicked him atop his head and then wrapped an arm around the gremlin.

"Anyway, what do you think?" Michael winced.

"I mean, you two are into retro shit like that." Jake shrugged.

"For one, don't use the word retro and shit in the same sentence ever again and, for two, leaving love letters and or notes for somebody is a classic provided popularity from the nineties kids and before, it's not retro, it's just classic- ya know what, here, look.-" Michael pulled out his phone and dialed Brooke's number, putting her on speaker.

"Hhhh?" A tired voice came from Brooke's end of the line.

"Brooke I'm thinking of giving Jeremy a love let-"

Screams and squeals ensued over the other end of the phone until all three boys were covering their ears. It was the sound of joyful death if one had to give it a name and Michael had to hang up.

"See?" Michael grinned.

"So what you're saying is..." Rich began, "Jeremy is essentially the male embodiment of a female teenager?"

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