Stoned Snapping

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I'm going to be moving all the chapters from "Falling in love with you" to this book! They're all essentially a bunch of different one-shots of confessions of love between Jeremy and Michael— so mostly fluff!!

Also these are R E A L L Y old so they're not in the same style as I write now and there'll probably be a lot of typos, but enjoy!

Jeremy sat in his bed with a sigh, the try not to laugh videos that he'd been watching for the last hour weren't working, he'd beaten all of them and there was no spark of joy that lit in any ounce of his body. How could their be? It was about two am and Jeremy had sent about five texts to Michael, well probably more than that to be honest, and there was still no response. This was unusual for Jeremy, as the two of them had been friends for nearly twelve years no and during that entire time period, it had always been Michael that was spam texting Jeremy this late at night, and of course, whining when he didn't get a text back a few minutes, sometimes moments later. The worst part of it all was that over the years, Jeremy had developed a long-time running crush for Michael. So not only did he feel like their friendship was on the line at the current moment, but that Jeremy's true happiness was at stake as well.

Jeremy was afraid that something bad had had happened to Michael, and once these thoughts started, well anxiety decided to hop aboard the train. So, Jeremy decided to shut down his computer and listen alone to his thoughts, letting them consume him with worries and theories.

What if Michael had passed out? What if Jeremy had done something wrong? What if Michael was ignoring Jeremy? What if he died!? Jeremy felt a lump form in his throat as his SA was getting the best of him, it felt as if there was something blocking his system, like their was something grabbing him and slowly crushing him, letting out all the air in his chest, causing his vision to begin to black out. He gasped for breath, trying to swim upwards towards the surface of his ever drowning anxieties. They were going to swallow him surely...slowly...and then...


Jeremy took in a deep breath, his vision slowly focusing as he heard the familiar buzz of his phone. He'd gotten a text.

Instantly, Jeremy was scrambling to grip his phone, fumbling through his covers while he frantically searched for the electronic. He finally found it under his pillow. By this point, his entire bed, which had been neatly made over Jeremy a few moments ago, was now a mess. This didn't bother Jeremy however, he just needed to find out who'd texted him. He turned on his phone via the home button, and his heart suddenly fell as he realized it really hadn't been a text, it was a ChatSnap... He fell face first into his pillow, slightly banging his head on the soft surface. Then leaning onto his side and wriggling up the wall behind his bed so he could lean against it. He pressed his thumb to the phone's home button so it would read his thumb-print, proceeding to see what Story or Streak he had gotten. He huffed out a sigh of distress, though he supposed the snap had jerked him out of his anxiety fix, so that was something.

Tapping on ChatSnap he squinted and nearly dropped his phone, once again, when he saw the Snap was from none other than Michael. So, of course, he let out an audible squeak of Joy and forcing his hands to stop trembling as he opened up the snap. The thumbnail looked very...interesting...Michael was on a stool...with a ukulele...? Jeremy blinked in confusion as he started the video.

Michael started playing the Ukulele and Jeremy almost immediately recognized the tune, and his heart began the thump faster.

"Wise men say...Only fools rush in..."

"But I can't help, falling I love with you..."

"Shall I stay? Would it be a sin?"

"If I can't help...falling in love with you..."

"I mean it, Jer."

It was addressed wasn't some random clip it was addressed to him, to Jeremy. Holy fuck. Jeremy realized his hands were completely shaking and his phone dropped down as he moved his hands to cover up his face, he could feel the heat that collected at his cheeks and burned throughout his entire body. He could feel a stupid smile forming across his face and shook his head in disbelief. This was a dream. It had to be a dream.

"I- I just- I can't even." Jeremy giggled and swiped out of the app, closing up his phone and putting it on his bedside table, snuggling deep into his covers and giggling to himself some more. He had learned that sleep-drunk Jeremy wasn't the best at making decisions, and he sure as hell didn't want to screw up such an opportunity... I mean it Jer... The words rang through his ears, "Damnit, Michael..." Jeremy smiled, this boy had him a blushing, flustered mess as he slowly drifted off into sleep.


Jeremy awoke the sound of his phone buzzing, at first he didn't take much notice of it and began to fall asleep once more, then as if a match were striking he recalled the previous night's events and he sprang up, slamming his hand over his phone and dragging it to his face, immediately awake with excitement, however, the snaps he got would prove to in fact, not be all he expected.

Michael: Hey dude, sorry for that, I was totally stoned and uh...yeah I didn't mean to send that, I do crazy shit when that happens- just forget it M'kay?

Jeremy's heart fell as his hopes flew out the window. He took a breath and tried to figure things out. Michael. He was stoned when he sent this, he was crazy...duh of course. But then again...wait... Jeremy grinned as different realizations popped into his mind and he began to respond.

Jeremy: Oh? Is that so?

Michael: Yeah, sorry.

Jeremy: Facetime me.

MIchael: Uh...okay...?

Jeremy's fingers danced wildly as he shakily opened up his Facetime app, calling Michael.

Ring...Ring...Ring- BEEP

"Hey, what's up?" Michael grinned casually at Jeremy.

"Look at me directly." Jeremy ordered.

Michael obeyed and looked into Jeremy's eyes via the phone.

Jeremy nodded, "Okay...Well..." a grin painted Jeremy's face, "Hm...well your eyes aren't very bloodshot, that's bags either...?"

Michael's face began to flush up, "I-I uh- I-"

"Next time you try and fake stone yourself, be a bit more convincing, m'kay love?" Jeremy winked.

Michael let out a squeaking noise.

"I'll be there in five, Michael." Jeremy smiled from ear to ear, pausing a moment before nervously adding, "L-love you too." He instantly ended the call.

Michael sat there, flustered, "HOLY F-"

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