Sleepover Nightmares

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[Well someone just put on a movie so I'll keep updating while everyone else is up]

[TW] [70k Special] [Requested]

Jeremy and Michael didn't always have sleepovers, as Michael's Ma' always told them to Wait Till' College and Jeremy's Dad was exactly that comfortable with the two boys being alone in one room together yet.

However, considering Michael's Ma' would forget how late Michael was out if he did happen to sleepover at Jeremy's house. And Jeremy's Dad, having snagged a part time job, was currently out on business. Leaving the boys mandatory cuddle times. So, cuddles had commenced and the two were now contently asleep cradling each other with smiles on their faces. Actually, no, only Jeremy had a smile on his face, still happily dreaming, most likely about Michael, and Michael dreaming about Jeremy.

However, the difference between the two was that Jeremy was dreaming about Michael in a happier manor than Michael was about Jeremy.

Michael felt his nightmare get increasingly worse, Jeremy was slipping through his fingers, slowly disappearing into nothingness, and it was his fault, all his fault, he was a loser, a coward, and probably now a murderer as he lay there helpless to his dying boyfriend. He wanted to tell him how much he loved him and how sorry he was but for some reason, no matter how much he was longing to his vocal cords wouldn't budge, but his sobs obviously worked as when he finally woke up from this terror he began to cry, though he was quick to slap his hand over his mouth, he didn't really know why this dream bothered him so much right now, he had these dreams quite frequently, his anxieties getting the best of him the majority of the time, but something about Jeremy being right there. Something about it seeming like he was so class but so far and that- just by touching him he could hurt them other.

Michael shook his head at the thought and drew his hands away from where they were connected to Jeremy's waist, wriggling backwards and out of the covers, grabbing his sweatshirt and puling it over himself to feel more so content- and so he wouldn't be only in his boxers. He could feel the verge of an anxiety attack coming on, he didn't want to burden Jeremy with that so he decided to head downstairs and wait it out there. It was currently about Five AM, Jeremy would be up in a few hours anyway, maybe, if Michael was lucky, he'd just think Michael had gotten hung over or stoned or something.

Michael could feel his breathing rate increasing and his eyes stung, he made it to the bottom of the staircase before breaking down, falling to his knees and leaning against the wall. He shut his already puffing eyes and hands trembling. Usually, he tried his best to think happy thoughts about he and Jeremy to cheer himself up and give him a grip on reality, but right now, thinking about Jeremy just made him sob louder and harder. He was shaking tremendously now and had started rocking himself back and forth. He wished he didn't have anxiety. Honest to everything he did. I mean, truthfully, who wanted anxiety? All it was, was a weight in your heart that was rarely, if it all, lifted, and when it was- it was lifted to give your heart room to beat at unimaginable, painful speeds. Michael recalled a time he didn't sleep for over twenty-four hours, pulling an all-night and a half, the lack of sleep numbed him and the first thing he truly recalled was such a cry of joy as he told his Ma', "I-I can't feel it- I can't feel my heart!" He was so ecstatic that he was too tired to even feel the beat of his own had been such a wonderful feeling to be able to laugh with pure, raw joy.

Right now, that was the exact opposite of what was happening. Right now he was being a vulnerable, little, baby, or so he felt like it. He shook his head vigorously and ripped off his glasses, tossing them gently to his side to be forgotten about until the light of morning would help him find them. He let out gasps for breath as he felt like his heart was leaping up into his throat and attempting at choking him. It was like the was someone holding him, but not in a good way, like a hand grabbing him and crushing him, consuming his entire body as a whole.

Then, there was a fleeting moment of hope as Michael's beacon began to shine through.

"M-Mikey...?" A grogy, sleepy, voice yawned from the top of the stairs.

Michael tried to stop his sobs at first, but he then shook his head, he didn't care how much he'd seem like a loser or a cry-baby, he just wanted- no, needed, his anchor right now, "J-Jer-Jerem-" He didn't finish his sentence before gasping for breath once again as sobs raked through his body.

Jeremy was down those stairs in a flash, practically throwing himself at Michael and scooping the boy into a tight hug, holding him tightly, in a good way, he pulled the boy into his lap, stretching his own legs out to help support Michael as he began planting multiple kisses all over Michael's face, kissing away the tears, "It's okay Babyboy, I'm here, I'm heere..." He cooed, nuzzling his nose against Michael's as the boy's sobs turned into quiet whimpers and sniffles, "I'll always, always, always be here, okay? Don't ever doubt that. And please, please come get me next time? I promise I'll protect you okay? You protect me, I protect you, deal?" He smiled down at the boy in the darkness of his house.

"Mm..." Michael began to let out a small cry again, "I-I don't wanna' have to be p-protected." His cries grew louder.

"But I wanna' be able to protect you, Micha...I wanna' be your player two!" He pressed a kiss to Michael's chin, leading soft kisses down his neck.

Michael couldn't help but let out a small, sweet giggle at this and scrunch up his nose.

Jeremy smiled, "I like that face." He murmured.

"M-Ma smiley f-face?" Michael rubbed his eyes.

Jeremy moved away his hand to kiss Michael's eyes for him, "No, well, yes, but all of it- not just smiley face, I love every part of your face Michael."

Michael smiled, "D-Damnit I'm gay."

Jeremy rolled his eyes with a grin, "Gayer than a rainbow, Michael."

"Mhm." He cuddled up to Jeremy, wrapping his arms tightly around the boy, "I love you so much, Jer..." He murmured into the crook of Jeremy's neck.

Jeremy laid back against the wall, taking Michael with him in a hug, "Not as much as I love you, baby cakes."

"And I love you more than that boobear..." Michael nuzzled into Jeremy's neck and began to fall asleep.

Mr.Heere was pleasantly surprised by his son and Michael in their boxers on his staircase the next morning.

Michael wasn't allowed to sleepover period anymore.


That didn't keep them from it though.

//AN: How 'bout that some new petnames right there >w< <3 Gotta' love the boyfs!!

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