Your Knight is Heere [Part 2]

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[Woo I was pleasantly surprised by the coming of a hecc ton of new shirts so better mood (Bless Hottopic) (Not meaning Connor hehe) And I need fluff anyway so HEERE ya' go!]

"You're a dude?" Jeremy looked over the guy in front of him, he was wearing a dress, yeah, but he was a guy. It wasn't a bad dress, it was a pleasant shade of red that went down to the boy's thighs, then there was white tights and black slippers. The boy also wore white silk gloves that went up to the joint of his arm and a smile that shown with cherry-red lip-stick, how this boy got all these luxuries- well, it was anybody's guess.

"Well duh." The boy chuckled, steadying the wobbling Jeremy in front of him, then outstretching a hand, "I'm Michael!"

Jeremy looked up at Michael with round eyes, but rather than the feeling of joy and glee he had expected to feel when he completed his quest in finding his maiden- No, more so hatred and betrayal, "Th-they did this on purpose! To m-make fun of me!" Jeremy's voice cracked with rage as his muscles tensed.

Michael frowned, "Who did what now...?"

Jeremy met Michael with a gaze of annoyance, "You're in on it aren't you? This is just some act?"

"I wish." Michael scoffed, "I've been waiting here for the king knows how long!" Michael sighed, "Now, let me just collect my stuff and-"

"I mean, seriously, do they have no consideration at all!" Jeremy squeaked, having a fit, "It's like when I finally think I'm being taken seriously, they just can't let me have that!" He was now pacing on the balcony of the tower, his arms crossed.

Michael furrowed his brow in disappointment, "So you're not going to rescue me then?"

Jeremy stopped, sighing, "You're serious?"

"...Yeah?" Michael cocked his head, "...Why wouldn't I be?"

Jeremy began to approach the boy, "You aren't just part of my training leagues scheme?" He raised an eyebrow.

Michael shook his head, "N-No sir- er- your name is?"

"Doesn't matter, let's just go." Jeremy grumbled as he reached for his belt, pulling out a rope with a peg of metal at the end, slamming the peg into the ledge and tossing the rope down to his horse's displeasure as it slapped the creature's face just a bit, "S-Sorry Fireheart!" Jeremy called down to the now pacing horse, shaking his head dismissingly.

"Well, you'll be my knight in shining armor then!" Michael nodded with a smile, "That's what I'll call you- Knight Knight for short!"

Jeremy flinched as he felt a light blush dust his face at the nickname, he then shook his head, "Y-Yeah...sure..." He paused, "Pft whatever, let's just go." Jeremy undid his belt and waved Michael over, "Come on."

Michael obeyed happily and skipped over to Jeremy.

Jeremy began to sweat nervously as he realized what he'd have to do, "...Alright uh...just...I'm going to have to...uh...tie us together with the uh...belt to get down the uh...rope..." Jeremy found his voice pitched and quick, while his face, and practically every other part of him, burning with blush.

A smile of amusement tugged at the corner of Michael's lips, "Alright~" He giggled, leaping forward and wrapping his arms and legs around Jeremy.

Jeremy, being the scrawny twig- almost branch- almost- that he was, he nearly fell off of the balcony, but thankfully he caught both he and Michael before they fell, steadying the both of them and awkwardly supporting Michael by keeping an arm under him to support the boy as he tied the belt tightly around the two of them and then the rope, stopping at the edge, "Ready?" He looked up at Michael.

"Mell yeah! I get to feel grass again!" He squealed excitedly.

Jeremy couldn't help but smile just a little at this, before shaking his head and wiping the pleasurable look off his face, replacing it with a frown, "It's a bit overrated but...sure..." he muttered as he gripped the rope, slowly making his way down the side of the wall.

"'re a knight?"

"So, you're a prince?" Jeremy shot back.

"Princess, Prince, whatever you want."

"You can't be both." Jeremy frowned.

Michael flinched, "...Well...why not?"

"...It's OP?" Jeremy cocked his head.

Michael giggled, "You're kinda' cute knight knight."

With that Jeremy lost his grip on the rope, squeaking as they began tumbling towards the ground, though thankfully, they had only been abut five feet from the ground when they fell, so nothing major, barely anything minor. They rolled for a little bit before landing in a pinned position, Michael below Jeremy.

Jeremy didn't think he could heat up anymore than he already had, ...he was wrong, so very wrong, he felt his heart-beat double, no, triple, and his breathing got quick and shallow.

"...You can unbuckle us now." Michael let out a chirp, his face an equal shade to Jeremy.

"But...I couldn't?" Jeremy felt an overwhelming sense of longing as he stared down at Michael.

"...But you coul- yeah okay sure." Michael smiled as he wrapped his arms around Jeremy once again.

Jeremy didn't know what he was thinking, in fact, he wasn't thinking, when he leaned down to kiss Michael on the lips.

Michael was shocked at first, but then closed his eyes and kissed back, surprised at how passionate his knight's kissing was, he then pulled away, panting as he took in fresh air, "Damn, confident much~?"

Jeremy smiled, "Somethings come over me and I love it." He made a growling noise at Michael.

Michael's face lit up bright red as he took in a breath to support the squeaks and squeals he choked down, then all of a sudden, he felt himself actually choking, on air, wait- thick air? No- Michael stopped when he located the taste and scent of the air and he saw an bottle- it was tipped over in Jeremy's belt and spilled onto the boy, "Knight-Knight?" Michael coughed, "What is that?" He pointed to the bottle.

Jeremy cocked his head in confusion before turning to the spilled bottle of love-potion, his expression dropping to a look of horror, "Shit the love potion spilled..." He murmured.

"...Love...potion...?" Michael began feeling uncomfortable, "As in...witch craft?"

Jeremy looked back at Michael, once spotting the boy he instantly fell back into his daze of love-struckness, "Mhm...but I didn't need that stuff to fall for you, baby." He leaned down to press another kiss to Michael's cheeks, though Michael suddenly scooted back, though Jeremy came with him as they were belted in together.

Michael quickly went to change that and unbuckled them, then frantically scooting away from Jeremy.

Jeremy whimpered, "Too Much?"

"You were going to use witchcraft on me!" Michael hissed.

Jeremy frowned, "No, no honey, only if I found a gal!"

Michael felt himself prickle with agitation, "What the hell!? So is a guy not good enough for you or what?" He stomped his foot towards Jeremy.

"In my defense, your voice was so beautiful I thought you were a lady." Jeremy cooed, still in his trance, stepping closer to Michael.

Michael pushed Jeremy away, causing him to fall back, he took a few steps forward, "What is wrong with you!?" He felt on he verge of tears, "You're just using me aren't you? Just like every other damn person in my life!" He shrieked and stormed away.

"Wh-Where are you going!" Jeremy stumbled to his feet, hearts still in his eyes, "Baby come back, I didn't mean anything!" Though Jeremy felt an oncoming headache, "M-Michael!" He choked out before collapsing to the ground, his vision blurring out into nothing but darkness.

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