Nothing Gold Can Stay [Part 3]

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It wasn't going to be an easy school-day for Michael, not in the slightest, the love of his life, his boyfriend- if he could still even call him that- was once again caught in the masterminded grasp of the Squip. And the way he saw it, this was going to be one hell of a job, cleaning up this mechanical mess.

Prior the Rich's Halloween party, which felt like years ago to him, but was only just a few months ago before winter, it was now nearing the end of the school year, but Jeremy felt like it had only been a few days ago, Prior to the party Michael had done as much research as possible on how to deactivate the squip, he had just been getting to the bottom of his research when that party happened and everything changed. He'd talked to Rich the next day, who, thanks to the deactivation of his Evil Kermit, was around the time Rich actually started speaking to him. What Rich had said was he had planned to find Mountain Dew Red and if he was unable to- he would have burned the house down. However, thanks to Jeremy's...whatever happened to him that night, goal-changing, feelings, whatever shit went down, that got rid of the squip population, nonetheless he still knew how to deactivate the squip now, and thankfully he happened to own a swig of Mountain Dew Red, or a whole case for that matter, he kept it with his Crystal Coke so it was quite easy to find. Now, all he had to find was Jeremy.

The school-bell for lunch had just rung and Michael was determined to get his boyfriend back, no matter what it took. Currently, Michael was waiting by Jeremy's locker, he knew he'd have to get his books and binders for his final two classes and would have to run into Michael. He slouched with his phone out, trying to look as casual as possible, maybe if he looked cool...Jeremy would notice him.

Michael was beginning to worry that Jeremy wasn't coming when there was movement out of the corner of his eye, and up strolled Jeremy...two girls on either side...What the hell Michael glared.

Jeremy strode up to his locker, one of the girls slightly pushing Michael to the side as to not get too close to Jeremy.

"Jeremy!" Michael shouted at the boy, "Listen- Jeremy, just listen to me, please." Michael sighed as there was still no response, though the two girls seemed a bit uncomfortable and said their goodbyes to the tall boy before leaving.

Michael growled, slamming his fist against the locker next to Jeremy's.

Jeremy flinched, acknowledging the noise the locker made by not acknowledging Michael, he shrugged it off and continued on his way.

Michael looked in pure heart-break as he watched Jeremy leave as if he'd never even been there. The most he could do right now was follow him, like nothing at all was wrong. Previously, the optic-nerve blocking came undone if Michael spoke directly to Jeremy in a place where he could clearly hear- that wasn't working this time...and it broke him. He walked beside Jeremy, talking to him about his day...he knew Jeremy couldn't hear him but he talked anyway. Maybe as a coping mechanism? Or maybe just to play pretend... Michael felt his chest ache as he watched Jeremy continue down the hall like the love of his life wasn't mindlessly talking beside him, like he wasn't there despite it all.

Michael growled to himself, "People can be so empty-headed sometimes!" He leapt in Jeremy's way, he had to do something, even if he had to force the Mountain Dew Red down Jeremy's trap, he'd do it, he just Needed his boy back, "Jeremy Heere!" Michael shrieked as Jeremy bumped into him.

"Oh Micha- you." Jeremy's voice pitched at the last word.

Michael had learned, during Jeremy's previous Squip mishap, that when Jeremy's voice was at an odd...nearly disturbing, pitch that it meant the Squip was manipulating his words.

"What do you want, Michael?" Jeremy scowled.

"I want you to meet me after school." Michael stood on the tips of his toes to loom over Jeremy by a fraction of an inch.

Jeremy narrowed his eyes, "And why would I do that?"

"Because if you didn't you'd just prove that you're a chickenhearted coward!" Michael didn't want to meaningfully insult or call Jeremy a name, so he chose Tom Sawyer vocabulary.

"I am not!"

The vocab seemed to work.

"Prove it by meeting me in the janitor's closet after school- it's between you and me, Jer." Michael tried to make a snarling noise, attempting at being intimidating, all while it killed him to be treating Jeremy like this, he didn't even know what he was going to say, just that he'd show Jeremy a piece of his mind, and maybe...maybe he'd get his memory back...

This realization made Michael want to practically throw-up his heart as he stalked away from Jeremy. Jeremy didn't remember their first kiss, date, no cuddle sessions, him confessing his feelings to Pac- Man he didn't remember any of their time together...all of it was...gone...and it might never come back, even with the squip deactivated. Michael felt a lump form in his throat but he forced himself not the cry. He couldn't. Not here. He might have if he knew that there would be a Jeremy right beside him to hold him close and murmur sweet nothings into his ear, but if that were true, well- there wouldn't be a problem at all now would there?

Jeremy was gold. And he was fleeting fast, corruption taking hold of his core and causing him to fall deeper into this abyss. His flower was no more and soon all of it would be gone. It killed Michael to think of that.

Then leaf subsides to leaf...

So Eden sank to grief...

...Nothing Gold Can Stay

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