Loser: Part 6

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Michael shoved the note into his pocket, not really caring if it got crumbled. He thought for a moment. If it were him. Where would he commit suicide? He knew the answer immediately, recalling the Halloween party. He sped towards the nearest bathroom by Jeremy's locker. He tried opening the door but something blocking. He let out a shout of annoyance and gripped the handle tightly, shaking the door back and forth, he whimpered in fear and slammed his fists against the door. There was a loud snap as the lock from the door retracted and Michael burst in. In the three seconds he had to do something he looked over the scene. There was a scrawny, tall boy over the sink with a blade lowering down to his wrist, tears streaming down his face. Michael immediately leapt forward and grabbed Jeremy's wrist, not caring if he landed or not. He ended up pulling them both down and immense pain filled his knuckles. Michael pulled Jeremy to his chest as they hit the ground. He clutched Jeremy, pressing his face to the crook of his neck.

Jeremy was trembling, shock still pulsing through his veins, he could feel Michael around him like a warm blanket. He shakily hugged him back, realty crashing down on him like an anvil, "I don't want to die." He sobbed into Michael's hoodie.

Michael tried to control his own sobs, "I know Jer, I know, It's okay, I've got you."

Jeremy buried his face in the smaller boy's shoulder, holding onto him as if his life depended on it, which it kind of did. Jeremy reached for Michael hand to hold but was surprised when he felt it was wet. He withdrew his own hand and looked down to see scarlet drops speckle it. He looked down at Michael's hand and saw his knuckles were sliced right across his hand. Jeremy let out a small scream and hurried his face back into Michael's shoulder.

Michael glanced at his own hand and his eyes widened, "I-its okay- I'll be fine." He'd be fine but that would leave a nasty scar... Michael sat up, "I have to go get towels Jerry..." Jeremy still clung to him as he stood up, walking with him to the towel dispenser as he pulled a few towels out, getting them slightly damp and wrapping them around his bloody knuckles. He sighed in relief, "In glad it was my knuckles that were cut rather than you." He kissed Jeremy's head.

Jeremy held onto him tighter, "I-I didn't want to deal with it anymore- Th-they hurt me and then y-you hate me." Jeremy trembled.

"Oh Jeremy no, no, no, no." He rubbed the shook boy's back, "You couldn't do anything to make me love you any less."

Jeremy stepped back for a moment but still leaned against Michael, "I don't want to deal with it anymore..." he sniffled, "I don't want to go to school anymore..." he muttered.

"Yeah but see Jer, here's the thing, you've got this awesome boyf right here." He pointed at himself, "Who's also the worst guy in existence..." he chuckled with a sad smile, "But I fixed things Jer..." he ran his fingers through Jeremy's hair.

"...How...?" Jeremy looked up at him.

Michael's face turned a little red, pulling out his phone and entering the camera section, he played a video of himself.

Michael was sitting on the stage of the school, fully breaking out in song to 'Stand By You' while wearing a Tutu... there was snickering behind the camera as it was recorded. As the song ended with his signature mic drop he turned around and screamed, surprised he was being recorded.

Michael put the phone in his pocket, "It was staged but nobody knows that." Michael's face was a bit red, "I had Christine text the video to all her contacts, now that video has replaced the old one." He smiled fondly at Jeremy.

"Y-you did that...on purpose...?" Jeremy couldn't help but smile just a little bit.

Michael nodded, "I'm the laughing stalk of the school."

Jeremy frowned, "Now they'll hurt you instead of me..."

Michael shook his head, "I wore the TuTu to 'make a statement' or so I said the Rich. So I told him anyone who tries to hurt me is taking their anger out on the trans and LBGTQ+ community and he promised he seemed pretty fired up about that and promised he'd punch the crap out of anyone who came near to making fun of me." Michael chuckled, "I suspect I'll get some chuckles in the hallway but honestly, who gives a shit?" He shrugged, "You love me, so I don't care- you do still love me right?" He blinked at Jeremy.

"How could I not!" Jeremy wrapped his arms over Michael's shoulders and sealed his lips to Michael's, "...You saved my life and you make me real' happy Miley, I'll always love you, even when I'm being a dramatic loser." He smiled with a flushed face.

Michael snickered leaning into Jeremy, "You're always ma' loser, Heere."

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