All-Nighter: Part 2

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All-Nighter: Part 2

Jeremy woke up in the morning feeling warm and content, he breathed in the scent of Michael and felt himself relax, pressing closer to him. He started to drift back into sleep when he put together that Michael was actually there. He didn't move a muscle, too afraid to disturb the sleeping boyfriend, but also wanting to stay like this for eternity. He could barely remember the night before, he must have dozed off while Michael was getting their coffee...or...was it after their coffee...? He wasn't quite sure, but was happy with this end result. He tilted his head forward to let the hoodie consume his face, other than his lips the poked out a bit so he wouldn't suffocate. He focused on the gentle rise and fall of Michael's side, his own arm drape over it, slightly pulling Michael towards him. By the speed of his breathing, Jeremy could tell that he was still asleep, which could mean it was anywhere from one am and noon. He couldn't tell if any light was showing through the basement entrance, his face was still in the ruffles of Michael's hoodie, though he could care less. As long as Michael was there, he didn't care of time itself had stopped.

He was startled at the sudden jiggle of the basement knob. He lay still in terror as he recognized the sleepy grumble of Mrs.Mell, for a moment he thought maybe he could make a run for it and hide, but it was too late, she had already opened up the door.

There was a gasp and then a confused murmur, "I told that boy Jeremy couldn't sleepover anymore!" She sighed, "Wait until college at least she looked over the boys, a small smile on her face, "They do look pretty cute I suppose...Michael still grounded of course...but cute none the less."

Jeremy could feel Michael's breathing pick up very slightly, notifying him that he was now awake- though he showed no other sign that he was.

"Their clothes are on- thank god." Mrs.Mell headed back towards the basement entrance, "So I suppose there's no harm in letting them sleep in..." There was the sound of the basement door slamming shut before Michael stirred.

Jeremy let out a groan, "Noo...stay're comfy." He muttered through the sweatshirt.

Michael smiled, "Morning, sunshine~"

Jeremy felt a kiss land on his head and squealed into the hoodie.

Michael sat up, pulling Jeremy along with him, he wrapped his arms around Jeremy to support him.

"So..." Michael started, "How'd you get that bruise on your shoulder?"

Jeremy felt his heart drop, "Wh-what bruise?"

Michael pointed to the one on his left arm.

Jeremy emerged from the hoodie ruffles and looked at his arm, "Y-you're seeing things, I don't see it."

"Really?" Michael said blandly, pressing two fingers to the bruise, in which Jeremy responded with a small bleat of pain, "That's what I thought."

Jeremy looked down at the ground guiltily, "O-oh 'that' bruise...yeah um- I- -uh I bumped it on my bedside table a few days big deal."

"Oh. Okay." Michael nodded, loosening his grip on Jeremy, there was silence for a few minutes before Michael continued, "So, are you gonna' tell me the truth or what?"

"Wh-what do you mean, that was the truth." Jeremy acted hurt that Michael didn't trust him.

Michael sighed, " don't have to be afraid to tell me about this stuff...I know what happened..." He looked sadly into Jeremy's eyes.

Jeremy's eyes reflected Michael sadness, "...I didn't want them to hurt you..." He glanced away.

Michael put his hand to Jeremy's face, in which Jeremy pressed his cheek to it, "I'd rather get hurt than you." He frowned, "And even so, you need to tell me about this stuff so I can help."

"Beating people up isn't helping Michael- I can fight my own battles..."

"Apparently not! You had to take three days off from school just to hide your wounds- I'm you're boyfriend, Jeremy! Fighting your battles is what I'm here to do- what I want to do!" He pressed his forehead to Jeremy's, "Just let me be there for you...please."

Jeremy closed his eyes, a few tears rolling down his cheeks and onto Michael's hand, "And I want you here...but I also want you safe..." He put his hand over Michael's, pressing it to his face more, comforted by his presence, "Never leave me..." Jeremy murmured against Michael's hand, pressing a soft kiss to it.

"Why would I ever want to." Michael let himself fall forward onto Jeremy's shoulder.

" did you know?"

Michael felt himself tense and sat up, smiling guiltily at Michael, "Well...ya' see...I kinda'...maybe...might have...just the smallest chance that-"

"Get on with it." Jeremy raised an eyebrow.

"My coffee got a special ingredient~"

Jeremy face-palmed, "Of course it di-"

"And you kinda' drank my coffee instead of yours." Michael lowered his head.

"YOU GOT ME HIGH!?" Jeremy just about fell over.

Michael slapped his hand over Jeremy's mouth, muting him, "Sh! If my Ma hears you she'll kick you out!"

Jeremy shooed his hand away, lowering his voice, "Michael!"

"I barely even put anything in there- it would have just made me a bit less grouchy, but you-" Michael started laughing, "You went insane! You were spitting out all kinds of things!"

Jeremy's face went red, "L-like what?"

"Well," Michael thought for a moment, "First you went on about how much you loved me...then confessed then...confessed again...and then how much you love me..." Michael snickered, "And then- around three am you sat up in bed and yelled 'Michaels Hot' and I just about died!" Michael was cracking up.

Jeremy was almost positive the whole room was heating up from the source of his peachy-red face.

"It was the cutest thing in the world." Michael smiled fondly at Jeremy, "I should get you high more often~"

"Do that and I'll burn your entire stash. I know where it is because you've told me time and time again whenever you're high."

Michael stood up, startled, "Don't you dare."

Jeremy leaned forward and pulled Michael's sock away from his ankle, pulling out an empty packet, "Starting with this pitiful sight." He flicked the packet away.

Michael let out a cry of distress, "You just killed my child- you just killed our kid Jeremy." He sat down and leaned back into Jeremy's lap, "Are you proud?"

Jeremy leaned down and gave Michael a quick kiss on the nose, "Very."

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