Baby Rich

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[You all know what this is]

Jake entered Rich's room with a wide, sloppy grin on his face.

Rich let out a loud yelp and nearly threw his phone at Jake, until he realized who it was, he then hastily grabbed the hem of his bedsheets and covered himself up, "How many times do I have to tell you to knock!?"

"Aw, come on Rich, I've seen you in your boxers too many times to count- it shouldn't faze you by now." Jake chuckled before entering the room completely.

Rich blinked when he saw that Jake was carrying a box, "What's that?" His eyes widened with excitement, "Is it for me? Is it? Is it?"

"It is."

"Yay!" Rich squeaked and leapt out of bed, caring less now that he only wore his Moana Boxers, running over to Jake and leaping up and down like a child, he stuck is arms forward, asking for the box.

"It's like...something you wear."

"Alright!" Rich squealed.

Jake smirked and opened the box.

Rich looked down at the packaging and ripped through it, pulling out what looked like a pink vest, "What is it, Jake's? What is it?" He giggled excitedly.

"Well, put it on and I'll show you." Jake stood up with a wide smile.

"How?" Rich frowned, looking at the different buckles.

"Alright well first-" Jake attached part of the item to himself and reached for Rich.

Rich squealed once again with a look of pure joy as Jake helped fix the device onto him. He then wiggled around, "But I can barely move!" He pouted.

"Wait." Jake chuckled.

"For whAT-" Rich screamed as Jake stood up and he was pulled off the ground.

"It's a baby carrier!" Jake announced excitedly, looking at the airborne Rich that was strapped to his chest and looking up at him with wide eyes.

"Jakey...This.Is.AWESOME." Rich wrapped his arms and legs around Jake, sitting backwards just a bit and letting the carrier support his back.

Jake let out a giggle, unable to contain his joy, "I don't think you've ever looked cuter."

"Me either, Jakey, me either!" Rich was trembling with happiness.

Jake pressed a kiss to Rich's head, "Now, wanna go visit some friends?"



Michael groaned as he heard the doorbell ring, he poked Jeremy in the shoulder with another sleepy groan, "It's...your turn to...answer the door..."

Jeremy whined and snuggled up to Michael, "No...just stay..."

Michael sighed, leaning up, Jeremy still clinging to him and coming up with, "Come on, berry..." Michael yawned and hooked his arms under Jeremy's leg to hoist him into a piggyback ride.

Jeremy grinned and moved his arms around Michael's shoulder, nuzzling into his neck and letting the boy take him downstairs, they stopped at the door and Michael opened it.

With a thud, Jeremy fell to the floor. He let out a pout and wobbled to his feet, "What was that for...?" He whimpered, then swing Michael had his hands over his mouth, he followed his gaze and his eyes widened when he saw Jake at the door, proudly carrying Rich around in a baby carrier that was strapped to his chest.

"Isn't he the cutest?" Jake grinned from ear to ear.

Michael let a few coos escape from his lips and soon Jeremy and Michael surrounded the couple.

Michael pinched Rich's cheek slightly, "Aw! Look at da' widdle baby!" He squealed.

Rich squirmed and let out a squeak as Jeremy began patting his head.

"I'm not cute! Only Jake can say that!" Rich thrashed around, trying to escape but to no avail.

"Aw, someone's fussy." Jake patted Rich on the back.

"Does he need to be burped?" Jeremy looked up at Jake.

"He got woken up early, he probably needs a nappy." Jake nodded.

"Aw, alright, thanks for bringing him by." Michael grinned, waving as Jake jogged back down the driveway.

"Continue?" Michael glanced over at Jeremy.

"Yeah." Jeremy nodded and raced Michael upstairs.

Rich let out a loud, frustrated squeal as Jake reached the sidewalk.

"I want down! I want down!" Rich cried.

Jake patted his back, "Calm down, Richy."

"No! I want down!" Rich starred banging his fists on Jake's chest.

"Don't start a tantrum in public." Jake sighed.

Rich just kept squeaking.

Jake stopped jogging for a moment, "Just breath, Rich, breath."

"I don't wanna!" Rich squealed.

Jake sighed and placed his hand on Rich's back, rubbing small circles onto it, "Hush little Rich Rich, don't say a word, Jakeys gonna' call you his baby-bird, and if this baby-bird don't sleep, Jakey'll make sure that he won't peep." Jake smiled down at his now sleeping Rich, who had the shoulders of his shirt balled up into his fists.

Jake patted Rich's back gently, "Lets go get you to bed, baby-bird."

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