Puppy Heere

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[I can sleep in until 1 tomorrow and so Heere we are with some updates~! Enjoy <3]

[I don't want any furry comments. This is intended to be fluff about Jeremy acting like a pupper. Nothing more. Nothing less. I love ya'll but honestly, you need to just enjoy some fluff and Be More Chill. Okay? <3 Love ya~]

Jeremy looked longingly at Michael. He really wanted to cuddle with the boy. Like, he we was pretty sure he was going through what 'Fumblr' called Touch-Starve. He needed Michael to hold him or kiss him or just hug him. He sighed. Jeremy was currently watching Michael browse through Fanfiction currently, seeming to involved with that to pay complete attention to Jeremy, other than a hand outstretched towards him, but not quite patting him or around his shoulder. Jeremy frowned, feeling his heart twist with envy for the fanfiction. He thought his best at what he could do, "Hey Micha, uh...I have a boo boo on my lips can you help it?"Jeremy blinked inoccently.

"Uh-Huh." Michael said, absent mindedly blowing a kiss...the kiss was blown far over Jeremy's head, not even reaching him in the invisible dimension of blown kisses...where they all floated around somewhere...

Jeremy slumped down. He began to think. And then...something dawned upon him. Relationship advice. Advice Michael had given him for Christine all those years back- er, two years at the most.

What you have to do Jer, is act cute- like a puppy, ya' know?

"Act like a puppy then..." Jeremy whispered to himself, Michael probably wouldn't have heard him even if he'd said it at a normal volume. Jeremy could do this...probably...it was like playing pretend? As a seventeen year old...to impress your boyfriend.

Michael was continuing to read his fanfiction on Evan and Connor when he felt a slight motion on his hand that was stretched along the couch. He saved his spot in the fanfiction and looked over, confused at first when he saw Jeremy nudging his hand with small whimpers, Michael raised an eyebrow, "What're you doing Jeremy...?" Michael held in a small chuckle.

Jeremy responded with a happy, "Woof!" Not anything like an actual dog would sound like, of course, though you could tell how their might be just a fraction of effort put into that noise.

Michael giggled, "Jer what are you doing?" Another Woof from Heere Jr, Michael stood up. Instantly Jeremy leapt down from the cough and landed on his knees, blepping his tongue with his mouth slightly opened, "Jer...what the hell..." And there's the woof again. Michael blinked, "Are you...pretending to be a dog...?"


"...Right..." Michael couldn't help but giggled at his boyfriend's efforts, watching as Jeremy head butted his leg slightly, "Okay...so...you want to play or something?"

"Woof!" [Happily]

"Okay....video games...?"

Jeremy cocked his head, as if ignorant to what Michael had just suggested.

"Wow, you're taking this seriously. Okay then..." Michael thought, "How about...tug o' war?" Michael shrugged.

Another happy, "Woof!" From Jeremy.

Michael snickered, "Alright." He looked around and grabbed at an old, broken from button-mashing, controller, "The wire isn't live so...it's probably okay to tug on...I think...?" Michael shrugged, tossing the controller portion to Jeremy and holding the plug in part for himself.

Michael blinked in surprise as Jeremy picked the controller up in his mouth, and then instantly began tugging backwards. Michael was taken by surprise and started to loose his grip, though he then began tugging back, though not to roughly- as he didn't want to break Jeremy's teeth, though considering the amount of force Jeremy was able to bring, he wasn't quite sure if he could win this match even if he had been going all out tug, though he had a feeling that Jeremy was also going slightly easy on him, since he didn't have a hand...er, mouth...hold, as well as Jeremy did. However Jeremy soon, as Michael had assumed and mentally predicted, won the game of tug.

Michael grinned and clapped, "Good Job-"Michael paused, "I mean, good boy," He chuckled at his own words, Jeremy might be acting like the pet right now, but this boy had Michael eating out of the palm of his hand.

Jeremy let out a "Woof!" of appreciation and flopped backwards, stretching out to expose his stomach.

"Jer...you want belly rubs...?" Michael questioned.

Jeremy woofed. That was a yes.

Michael giggled, "You're such a dork, you know that right?"


Michael leaned forward and began rubbing small circles on the boy's stomach, earning some fidgeting but no complaints, considering Jeremy couldn't talk- no, scratch that- wouldn't talk. Michael then leaned forward and kissed Jeremy on the head before resuming his spot on the couch, beginning to pull out his phone.

Jeremy felt his heart sink as he saw the phone go out, knowing he had to act soon, he sprang forward into Michael's lap, placing his hand on either side of Michael and pressing kisses to his face.

Michael's phone drop and he giggled, "Jeremy what has gotten into you?"

Jeremy simply flopped down into Michael's lap with one last content "Woof"

Michael shook his head and repositioned himself to lay down, hugging his boyfriend...er, puppy? Pupper? He wasn't quite sure. Either way, he held Jeremy close to his chest, closing his eyes.

Jeremy rested his chin on Michael's head, mission accomplished.

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