Truth or Dare VS Paranoia [Part 1]

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This is still open, just comment [instructions on previous part 'Paranoid Losers']

Warnings: Alright well there might be mention of smut/ TW

[If you don't know what paranoia is, read the bottom part of 'Paranoid Losers']


Jeremy grinned as the group of friends entered, "Heh..." Jeremy snickered as they walked down towards the basement, Jeremy shutting the door and following behind them.

Chloe was in the lead, she glances behind her towards Jeremy, "So tell me why you made us all come over to Michael's house?" She sounded suspicious.

Rich stopped to elbow Jeremy, "Oh I know why he was here~" Rich wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ew g-gross, n-no!" Jeremy squeaked, pushing past him to the front of the crowd as they reached the basement. He shot a smirk towards Michael who sat defeated on the basement floor, "We're gonna' play truth or dare and paranoia!"

At this the girls' face's lit up with excitement, and Rich began jumping up and down, pulling on Jake's sleeve, "Yes!" He grinned.

"I hate this." Michael muttered.

"Why are we doing it at your place then?" Jake questioned.

Jeremy bit his lower lip to contain a smile.

"Because Jeremy's a cheater." Michael muttered.

"Oh, stop being such a soar looser~" Jeremy giggled.

"YOU GAVE ME A HIC-" Michael was silenced by a glaring, flustered Jeremy.

Christine sighed, "I won't ask..." She sat down across from Michael, "Come on now, in a circle~" She tried her best to sound cheery.

The group obeyed, Jeremy sitting down beside Michael, Rich sitting on Michael's other side, Jake sitting beside Rich, Chloe beside Jake, Brooke beside Chloe, and Jenna in between Brooke and Christine, making up a circle.

Jenna bubbled with excitement, "So, what first?"

Jeremy thought for a moment, "Let's start with...paranoia." He earned a sigh of relief from Michael. Jeremy couldn't blame him, the last truth or dare wasn't the happiest memory...but he couldn't lie that it had been cute.

"I call going first!" Jenna squealed.

Jeremy shrugged, "Alright."

Jenna giggled evilly, "I'll ask...Rich!" She crawled through the circle to Rich, whispering the question.

Rich thought for a moment, "Can I be in it?"

Jenna shook her head, no.

Rich frowned, "Okay then...Pwobably Michael anth Jeremy."

The rest of the group looked confused.

Jenna pulled a coin from her pocket, "We can use this. I call tails!"

"Heads then I guess." Rich shrugged.

Jenna squealed as she flipped the coin, only to be disappointed when the coin flipped to heads.

"HA!" Rich smiled triumphantly.

Michael and Jeremy looked at each other in deep confusion, "Do I even want to know what the question was...?" Jeremy shuttered.

"Oh shut up, it wasn't that bad." Rich shrugged as Jenna sat back in her spot.

[The question was 'Who is your OTP']

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