Thats all I've Ever Wanted

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[Sometimes the bb boys just gotta' vent to each other...thankfully they're both too out of it to remember in the morning]
[Lots of cussing and TW I think? I haven't written it yet as I'm writing this warning but knowing me I'm gonna' put this here anyway, K Goodluck]

Jeremy didn't really remember how it started, all he knew was that Michael had invited him over to try some new energy drink out, but now they were both face to face in the basement, a duo of anxiety attacks and screaming.

"Why are you always trying to hurt me!?" Michael yelled at Jeremy.

"Why are you always trying blame me!?" Jeremy yelled back.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because its ALWAYS YOUR FAULT!" Michael poked Jeremy's chest.

"Don't touch me!" Hissed back Jeremy, brushing away Michael's hand, "You're the one who's always trying to leave me!"

"I'M leaving YOU!?" "Who was the one who openly called the other a LOSER at a fucking PARTY!?" Michael took a step closer to Jeremy.

"I didn't mean it god damn it, how many times do I have to say it!?" Jeremy stood his ground.

"You didn't? Oh well yeah! Yeah sure! Good for you Jeremy! You still can't own up to your mistake that nearly cost me my life!"

With that Jeremy felt himself get a semi-grip on reality, starting to sober up from the ghastly drink. He had only one, however, Michael had had four.

"Quiet now huh!? What'd you think would have happen if you hadn't opened that door, Jeremy!?" He was closing in on Jeremy to the point where Jeremy was forced to sit down on the couch of the basement, "You think I was just wishing I would die?" His voice cracked, "Wishing that I didn't have to see your damn face every day knowing you didn't give a shit about me." Michael was crying at this point, "Because I-I know you don't!"

Jeremy had a major head ace and didn't feel like arguing anymore, especially once he had acutely realized what he had said and what was happening, "M-Michael you know that isn't true- you've had too many energy drinks, idiot." The drinks were still taking effect on Jeremy but on a lower scale now.

"See! You just called me an idiot- and you meant it!" Michael sniffled, "Cos' I'm just an idiot!"

"N-No! That's not what I-" Jeremy facepalmed, "God damn energy drinks late at night..."

"This isn't the energy drinks talking, honey!" Michael snapped.

"Michael just sit down." Jeremy groaned in annoyance, pulling him into a sitting position by the shoulder.

Michael continued on, "You're gonna' leave me- see it's the other way around- you're gonna' leave me cause' you think I'm a baby." He sobbed.

"Michael you are a baby, but I love you for that."

"You called me a baby!" Michael hiccuped.

What were in those drinks...?

"It's okay..." Michael sniffled, "Just go..." he turned away from Jeremy.

"'re not thinking straight and neither am I... let's just get you up to bed okay?" Jeremy grabbed his hand.

Michael didn't respond but didn't object.

Jeremy slowly lead him up to his room, wobbling as he did so, and sat at the edge of his bed as he laid Michael down, "Is that okay now-"

"I just want you to love me..." Michael whimpered.

"Michael! I do love you." Jeremy smiled through the ace in his head, and now his heart.

"How? I'm just a childish fool." Michael huffed.

Jeremy scooted up towards him and pulled him into his lap.

Michael held onto Jeremy's arms and rested his head on the taller boy's chest.

"Well, I love that you're a genuinely kind person who's always giving out second chances..." Jeremy began.

"...And...?" Michael's crying was dying down.

"And that no matter how much a screw up that you still love me."

Michael smiled slightly with a nod.

"And that I can tell you things like this when you're not completely in the right state of mind or whatever and you won't remember any of this in the morning."

Michael frowned, "I want to remember..."

"I'll tell you a million times." Jeremy ran his fingers through Michael's hair, quite surprised at how quickly Michael's mood could change in the events of an anxiety attack- and when dealing with the aftermath of energy drinks on top of that.

"I just want to know you love me..."

"I do Michael, honest to god I do, and I promise I always will. You're my player one, and I love you, I really do..."

"...That's all I've ever wanted..."

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