Truth of Dare [Part 5]

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This honestly could have just been added to Part 3...]

Truth or Dare: Part Four

[Michael's Perspective] [Short Part]

AKA, Michael in the Bathroom 2.0

[...This isn't even T or D anymore it's just HC origins- oh welp!]

[This takes place right after the last chapter, aka when they were in seventh grade, though in Jeremy and Michael's reality, they're just both sharing the story of what happened that day]

"...I gotta' bounce!" Michael smiled at Jeremy before turning away with his stuff. He had his headphones on but there was no music playing. He couldn't bring himself to listen to anything as he choked back the tears that caught in his throat. He went as quickly as casual would allow to the nearest boys bathroom and locked himself in a stall, sitting on the closed lid to one of the toilets, burying his face in the sleeves of his hoodie as he tried not to make his crying too loud. There was nobody else there currently, all too caught up in their break time, this made Michael feel more comfortable. Every now and then he'd take a big sniffle and a breath, wiping his face, to dry his face and try and stop crying. However, every time he wasn't focused on crying he just kept thinking about Jeremy. Thinking about Jeremy and his crush. His crush who wasn't him. He had been so sure that Jeremy liked him, so sure that he was the same as Michael. But that kid was as straight as his twig figured body. His cute, twig figured body that Michael couldn't stop sobbing over. 'I guess it had all been in my mind...' He thought, 'Honestly, who could really like- not to even mention love- a loser?' he half chuckled to himself, 'I'm a teenaged guy crying in a wonder I'm seen as a loser- no wonder Jeremy doesn't like me.' The more he thought to himself the more tears streamed down his face. He wished he could just stop caring about Jeremy. Stop caring about guys in general. Maybe if he got a girlfriend he wouldn't have to go through this pain. He thought about this for a moment but shook his head in denial, it would be unfair to try and love someone when deep down you know you never could...he didn't really want to date anyone at this point. He just wanted Jeremy. Jeremy...Jeremy was all that was on his mind. He started picking out the things he loved about Jeremy, the way his hair curls fell gently to press against his cheek, how when he smiled he looked so nervous that he just might have a heart-attack, that when Michael was sad or lonely- he was there, and he didn't judge him if he acted like a wimp sometimes. He felt his heart ace more but with a glowing sensation added this time, his drying face was now beginning to get damp once more and he accidently let out an audible sob. Thankfully, there was still nobody there. It was just Michael, in the bathroom, by himself.

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