Soulmate AU

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[No fever anymore(For now, let's cross our fingers) and 12 fricken hours of sleep woo] [But updates will still be slow until further notice <3]

[So apparently sick me comes up with ideas??? Because I've been trying to come up with an original soulmate AU for like...a month... and this popped into my head]


Soulmate AU where you receive a heart scab on you [Mainly your wrist] when your soulmate performs an act of love for you. Scab only goes away when healed [Even if picked at it grows back] Only heals once your Soulmate has stopped thinking about you [After said Act of Love] for over a couple minutes]

Jeremy's POV

Jeremy hadn't always believed in the whole heart scab ordeal. However, this was his thinking only for a short amount of time, that was before he started attending school. Once School began, they started popping up. Jeremy remembered his first heart scab.

It had popped up sometime during school perhaps, maybe afterwards, but Jeremy hadn't noticed it until afterschool. Most likely because the scabs take a little bit of time to form. He'd noticed an itchy sensation growing on his wrist, and when he went to scratch it he felt sudden pain. Jeremy rolled up his sleeve to reveal a scabbed over patch of skin, in the shape of a nearly perfect heart. That's when Jeremy realized that this tale indeed was not a myth, and he was ecstatic.

Now, In middle school, nearly a quarter of his school had found their soulmates, and even though that was the minority, Jeremy couldn't help but feel like he was one of the only ones in the world missing out on this pleasure. Most people found their soulmates in highschool or college, while it may seem to be obvious who your soulmate is once you know them, it's quite a struggle as to finding them in the first place. This is the case because it's a difficult task to meet your match, as the scabs appear to even the smallest acts of love, such as a hug. Now, Jeremy knew it was possible for a soulmate to give the other a hug without meaning it and a heart scab wouldn't show up, but the point being- it wasn't an easy journey. Not to mention your soulmate could be someone you've never met, and they're just someone out there feeling a spark of excitement and love at the idea of their soulmate, which would be you, and apparently count as an act.

While Jeremy had been so excited at the thought of a soulmate at first, he now wished the whole thing was a myth after all. And yes, a lot of kids felt this way, but Jeremy felt like he had it way worse than anyone else. Whoever his soulmate was, was a love-o-holic. Jeremy received nearly eight scabs a day, sometimes it even reached up to fifteen, though they would only stay for a half an hour at most before disappearing.

Jeremy couldn't help but wonder sometimes who his soulmate was, what were they like? Were they a girl or a boy? Why couldn't everyone just choose their soulmates? He'd heard about people going against the scabs and falling in love with someone other than their soulmate, though the majority of the time it ended up in a divorce or a break-up.

So here Jeremy was, scratching his arm, as per usual, while tuning out his math teacher. The scabs drove him nuts and everything thought he was on crack because of them, probably one of the reasons he only had a few friends, though not the only reason.


Jeremy stopped mid scratch to look up and see his whole class, including his teachers, looking over at him, and he felt his heart beat pick up, "Y-Yes M-Ma'am?" Jeremy swallowed nervously.

"I should hope you don't have drugs on you? Hm?" The teacher raised an eyebrow.

"N-No ma'm."

"Bug bites perhaps then?" She hissed in disbelief.

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