Christmas is Heere Part 3

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[Don't worry, this is the last part <3]

TW: Minor self harm?

Jeremy slammed his face into Michael's pillow as they boy exited, taking in a deep breath, while inhaling some of the pillow case, and letting out a loud, muffled sob, as he instantly regretting his words. He felt like he was choking on his own heart- and his breath, as he barely had enough time to breath in between sobs. Jeremy sat up so he would be able to keep a steady income of air and then let himself fall forward. He was surprised when he felt his face hit something plush, as the comforter was wrapped around him and all the pillow were behind him. He sniffled and sat up halfway to see Michael's hoodie huddled up at the corner of the bed. Jeremy's cries immediately increased as he clutched the hoodie and fell back down, holding it to his chest, "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry..." He cried into the bundled up fabric, "I'm such a fucking idiot..." Jeremy started banging his hands against his forehead before pressing the hoodie to his face and keeping it there. He breathed in the scent of Michael and for a moment, he let himself pretend that it was all fine, let himself believe that this wasn't a hoodie that Michael had thrown at him to try and hit him, but it was a hoodie given to him out of love, from his boyfriend, his... Jeremy began to cry again. He wish he wouldn't, he was sure that "Most normal dudes d-don't cry...I'm such a baby..." He began to hit at his face again, though the hoodie made his throws softer, and he soon went back to hugging it, "Michael..." He groaned through sniffles, "Michael..." He wished that the boy would come running into the room and scoop him up in his arms, holding him close and telling him that everything would be alright, that nothing bad was going to happen, that no- his dad wouldn't kick him out, and that he'd always be there...but nah. He had to up and kick the light of his life out of his life, "Big mistake...stupid mistake...I'm stupid." He removed the hoodie from his palms and started digging his nails into his face, feeling them press and break at the flesh, "Stupid!" He shrieked, tears starting to stream again as red started to paint the tips of Jeremy's fingernails, marking his temples, before he released himself and let his head fall back onto the pillow. He wasn't able to cry anymore, there were no tears left in him. Why was everything as a teen so dramatic? Why? Why did it have to be this way? The words rang like bells in his ears, 'I wish we had never started dating!' Jeremy pressed the hoodie up to his face again, dabbing away some of the scarlet blood. He had known how sensitive Michael was, especially when it came to his and Jeremy's status. And he'd said that anyway. He had given him the worst Christmas gift possible. And not to even mention his dad...his dad who was probably sitting, dumb-founded, at home. Or maybe he didn't care. Maybe he was just cleaning out Jeremy's room and throwing his stuff out and onto the porch. Where would he go? He couldn't stay here at Michael's house...he'd just hurt him more and...well they weren't exactly on good terms at the moment, "I'll run away..." He sniffled to himself, "Nobody'll care enough to come looking...yeah..." He could feel a lump forming in his throat, he walked towards the entrance of Michael's room and quickly locked the door, heading for the boy's desk to sit down and scribble a farewell note, then folding it up and placing it on the boy's bed. He glanced at Michael's hoodie... "Should I..." He started to grab for it, picking it up and looking it over, "...I love him so much...he'd totally mind if I took this though..." Jeremy mumbled to himself, "O-On the other hand...maybe then he'll come looking for me..." Jeremy shook his head, it was too special to Michael, no matter how much Jeremy wanted to have a piece to remember him, he wasn't going to be cruel enough to take the thing he cared most about. That thing might have been Jeremy in the past...but not now...not anymore. Jeremy decided to place the note on top of Michael's hoodie.

Jeremy knew that when Michael were to come into his room once again, he would find it locked, however- Michael's Ma' had a master key to the household, so the house-key that worked for the door would work here was well...and by that time...Jeremy would be gone.

Jeremy bent down and opened a chest at the side of Michael's bed, inside were two packets made of a blanket and a string. Inside were some essentials. Michael and Jeremy had made these kits as kids, as Michael had always suggested they become pirates and run away to get married...Jeremy half chuckled to himself...they were finally going to good use now. Though right now, at this moment, he wished they could be used for their original use...Michael had kept them for memorabilia sake but also in the emergency of a fire. Jeremy decided to keep one of the kits there for that purpose and grabbed a puffy-jacket from the back of Michael's door, and some pants as well, jeans to be specific. He then headed for the window and quietly opened it, slipping out and climbing down the drain pipe, hitting the ground softly and slinking towards the snowy streets. He'd find somewhere to go...though he wasn't thinking completely right, he just knew that if he stayed, his dad would come. He wasn't going to risk his or Michael's safety...if Michael got hurt because of him... Jeremy shook his head at the thought, glancing behind him as the Mell house got smaller and smaller, before it was out of view, trees and other everyday objects blocking his view. There was a twisting pain in his chest but he smiled. Maybe now Michael wouldn't get hurt as much, maybe now the pain was over, he could carry the pain with him, and carry it away. Wherever he was going. Far away.


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