Hand Holding [Short]

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[Inspired by all the awesome people on Discord <3 #Children]

Michael stared down at his feet, patting his hands against the sides of his legs while he walked home with Jeremy. A fine, crisp fall breeze blew gently in the boys faces. They'd been dating for about a month now and not much had progressed other than a kiss, so it seemed silly now that Michael was getting so flustered over trying hold Jeremy's hand.

It seemed like the simplest job in the world yet the hardest task in the universe at the same time.

It would be so easy for Michael to just reach over and lace his fingers with Jeremy's, then it'd be done- well, the first part. Then the struggle would be Michael making sure his hand didn't sweat or tremble too much. And what if it did? What if he went to grab Jeremy's hand and his own palm was sweaty? Then Jeremy might just hold his hand because he had to but in reality- Michael was making him uncomfortable, and then it would be awkward, and then he'd want to break up and- Michael shook his head clear of his rambling thoughts, glancing over at Jeremy. He couldn't help but smile. Jeremy seemed to be skipping to music only he could hear, or maybe it was a shared music, because as soon as Michael looked at Jeremy's gentle, kind smile and squinty, happy eyes, he felt like skipping himself. Maybe it was just Jeremy. Whatever it was about this boy, it had Michael head over heels for him. He felt his heart flutter a bit and he accidently let out a small, audible giggle, immediately regretting it as Jeremy glanced over at Michael with a small grin.

"What?" He giggled in return.

Michael felt his face flush a brilliant shade of red, though he answered truthfully, "J-Just, ...you." He smiled just a bit, looking back to study how interesting his feet were at this moment, pressing his lips together as he caught the sight of Jeremy's reddening face as well.

"You're adorable." Jeremy shook his head with a sigh.

"A-Adorkable." Michael scrunched up his nose, pressing his glasses up higher on his face.

"Yeah, that." Jeremy grinned, not helping Michael's flustered state.

Michael silently hoped Jeremy couldn't hear his breaths coming out as little squeaks, he then closed his eyes and took a breath before grabbing Jeremy's hand as quickly as he could, intertwining their fingers together and wincing as he felt Jeremy flinch, his heart lurching. Jeremy just let out an inhuman squeak and tightly grasped Michael's hand back, scrunching his shoulders up to his blushed up cheeks.

"S-S-Sorry I-"

"N-No! No! I-it...it belongs there." Jeremy smiled at Michael lovingly.

Michael felt like falling right there and then, his legs feeling weak and his stomach doing flips, he wouldn't be surprised if there were physical hearts in his eyes right now as he gaped at this boy, his boy.

Jeremy giggled "Plus, you're honestly adorable when you're flustered~"

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