Nothing Gold Can Stay| [Part 4]

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[And with this, this is officially my 100th part to this series. I know originally I said I'd end the series at 100 parts but...200 might be a better goal, don't ya' think?] [Has a story ever had 100 parts...? I don't know but let's try to make it to 200.] [200 at least that is~]


[I was going to make this a two-parter, but screw it we're making one long part]

Michael's breathing came out as tiny pants as he waited for Jeremy outside the closet. He chose this location because he knew that if they were in a wide ranged area that somebody might interfere, or Jeremy might try leave. Well, no. Jeremy would never purposefully leave Michael, it would be the Squip that would force it upon him. What would he say...what would he say...he just needed to get through to Jeremy, remind the boy why he loved him- something dawned upon Michael.

Jeremy had told him that he'd had a crush on Michael for years, even before the bathroom incident, that Christine was a just a decoy to distract everyone from his true sexuality. This meant...this meant that Jeremy still loved him, despite his memory being wiped, Jeremy had loved him years before the squip even touched him. This filled Michael with hope...and then sadness as he realized that even with this information, even with Jeremy loving him, the boy had still looked at him like he was just a piece of garbage that had gotten misplaced...Michael was prepared to start calming himself when his time ran up, Jeremy was approaching.


Jeremy was looking down at his feet as he advanced towards Michael.

"Remember, from how he was talking, he's most likely going to pick a fight, be ready, knowing your...friend...will most likely aim for your shoulders and arms, he won't want to hurt you all that much..." The squip muttered.

Jeremy felt his heart twist, honest to god, he didn't want fight Michael period. He didn't want to ever hurt him...but here he was, harming his best-friend, his crush, both verbally and now, probably physically. This sucked...but the squip said it was right...and there wasn't much left to do about it when his mind was against him, the thing that kept him going was against him, his main control center had a virus...a virus...he'd never really thought of the squip as a virus- but now that he was thinking about that. It was true, "I-I don't want to do this-"

"You have to, Jeremy. Fights are what get you credentials." The squip guaranteed.

"Like...street cred?"

"That word is not part of my vocabulary. But essentially, sure."

"...I-I just don't know I-"

"DO IT." The squip growled at Jeremy.

Jeremy squeaked in his mind, unable to do so out loud, as he approached Michael.

Michael opened the door to the janitor's closet, for Jeremy.

Jeremy begrudgingly stepped inside, Michael won't kill you...he won't even harm you...he's your best is to say, he was...

"Th-thanks..." Jeremy murmured.

"Mhm..." Michael hummed half-heartedly and stepped in after him, though he made no move to turn on the lights as he closed the door behind them, and the room was no longer visible through the darkness.

"S-So, what do you want?" Jeremy gulped nervously.

Michael paused.


What do I want? Michael asked himself the question once again...Just...vent...vent to him like nobody's business...that's what you were going to do anyway the first time this happened, right? So do it now do it now, do it n-

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