Sleepy Slip-Ups

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Michael laid down in his bed, looking awkwardly at the ceiling with a flushed up face. Jeremy and him hadn't had an actual sleepover in years and now, thanks to Mr.Heere's absence for a week due to some business he had to take care of, Jeremy was here. He couldn't help but feel bad for the guy, Jeremy didn't need to sleepover but he wanted to, he couldn't blame him either, how was he supposed to sleep when his mom had left him and now this? Michael was sure Mr.Heere was coming back but Jeremy couldn't help but wonder, so he'd asked to come sleepover and Michael happily obliged. He turned over to look at Jeremy, smiling as the boy soundly slept- hogging the entire comforter at the bottom of his feet, not even using it. However, Michael didn't have the heart to move it no matter how cold he was.

Normally, this wouldn't be awkward- well, maybe a little since they were in Highschool, but the fact was that Jeremy was Michael's best friend, and Michael was gay as all of hell. Gay for Jeremy none the less. So that might have added just a bit of awkwardness there as they shared a bed. Thus the reason Michael knew he'd never get a second of sleep with this boy around, let alone a week worth of sleep- or until Jeremy's dad got back...but what if he didn't? Oh geez what if Jeremy had to stay her for more than a week- or a month- or a year.

Michael tried to not feel just a bit giddy about that idea but think of it in perspective- His best-friend, his crush, living with him for a year... he'd never be able to confess if that became the case, after all, if he did confess and was turned down then well, isn't that just a fine pickle there, Jeremy would have to share sleeping arrangements with someone he knew liked him. Who was Michael kidding though? Jeremy was as straight as his slender body-form and even if he did realize he wasn't straight one day, most people don't fall in love with their best friends after twelve years of just friendship. It was different for Michael however, he'd began liking Jeremy towards the beginning years of their friendship and had always sort of seen him as just a bit more than a friend...and so Highschool comes rolling around and wow, this kid is way more than a friend.

Michael sighed, grinning as Jeremy's nose twitched at the sudden breath brushing against his face, he began to stir and Michael pursed his lips together to stay silent, not wanting them both to be up all night and actually having to socialize when they were both probably sleep-drunk, Michael never made good decisions when he was sleep-drunk and neither did Jeremy. Though he supposed it would be more of an issue for Jeremy as his mind had actually been boggled by sleep and Michael was just off from exhaustion of sleep-deprive. He smiled as Jeremy began to worm closer to him. Then his smile turned to a look of worry and surprise as Jeremy continued to inch closer, until he was pressed up against Michael.

Michael felt his entire body, from head to the tips of his toes, heat up with the growling sensation of blush.

Jeremy sighed contently as he nuzzled his way into Michael's arms, Michael gladly, while begrudgingly, holding the boy, beginning to close his eyes in final sleep when Jeremy began to speak.

"Michaelove..."Jeremy's voice came out as a breathy, sleepy whisper.

Michael froze, tensing up at the murmur....Michaelove...Michael...ove...Michael...Michael Love... Michael couldn't help but let out a small, barely audible, squeak at Jeremy's words. His mind raced as he looked down at the sleeping, smiling boy, He-He's crazy...he's tired...he's not thinking straight...surely away gay thoughts... Michael shook his head slightly, disrupting Jeremy in his sleep.

Jeremy let out a small whimper, pressing his cheek to Michael's neck, not helping the flustered boy in any way.

"H-Hey Jer..."Michael knew he'd regret the actions he was taking...but maybe Jeremy wouldn't remember this in the morning if he did it quickly while he was still half asleep...

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