Jeremy Gets a Girlfriend: Part 3

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Jeremy Get's a Girlfriend: Part 3

Jeremy couldn't cry anymore, he didn't have any tears left in him. A whole period had gone by and he knew he'd be written down for flunking class; but, he knew he still wouldn't be able to make it to the next period, though he was afraid someone might come looking for him and find him, broken in a bathroom. So, he forced himself up and swung his backpack over his back as the fourth period bell rang. He just had to make it through this period and then it would be lunch time and then he could see- no. No...he couldn't see Michael. Michael didn't want to see him, and there was no way in hell he'd want to sit with Jeremy after this whole event just went on. He headed towards Math class, dragging his feet as he went. He half-heartedly wished he had headphones like Michael did, so he could drown out the sobbing beats that his heart made the more he thought about him. He wished he could start the day over, he wished he could have turned down Christine. He wished he could stand atop one of the cafeteria tables and yell at the top of his lungs, 'I love Michael Mell!' but he knew that no matter how hard he wasn't reality...and no matter how hard she wished, Michael still hated him. He ambled up the stair to the Math hall and towards his classroom to wait outside of it until their teacher, Mr.Quinn, allowed them in as the bell rang. He was so light headed and heavy hearted that he didn't notice bumping into someone until after he'd done it. He shook his head and looked down to see Christine. His heart dropped tremendously. She smiled up at him expectantly. He'd totally forgotten that Christine was in his Math class, and suddenly he started to wish that he had chosen to stay in the bathroom, chosen to stay in bathroom and just die there like he deserved to, which he did.

"H-Hey Jeremy." Christine tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Sup'." Jeremy responded blankly, starting to feel a sense of hatred towards Christine. Deep down he knew it wasn't her fault, but he wanted more than anything to be able to blame someone, to let his anger and sadness out on someone. Normally he would vent to Michael...but that wasn't an all.

"So...are you excited for tonight?" Christine tried to meet his gaze, but Jeremy wouldn't look her in the eye; because he knew that if he did he just might do something he'd regret.

Jeremy shrugged, "As excited as I'll ever be."

Christine frowned at his sarcastic enthusiasm, "Is something wrong? Did something happen? Are you alright?"

For the first time, he started to realize how annoying it was that Christine was so nosey, "...No...I'm fine..." He murmured as they headed into class and took their seats, Christine sitting next to him. 'Great' he thought, as she scooted her desk closer to his.

"Well, I hear that Grease is supposed to be a good one if that's the movie if you want to come over to my house to watch it..." She suggested.

Jeremy shrugged again, "Maybe."

Christine leaned forward, "Are you sure you're alright? You don't seem alright..." Christine frowned.

"I'm just feeling sick...that's all." Jeremy sighed.

" you need to go to the nurse's office? We can schedule our date for another night-"

"No, I'm not sick enough to go home."

"But you could rest?"

"I said I'm fine!" Jeremy snapped, suddenly realizing that the teacher was staring at him. Jeremy sunk down in his seat, embarrassment causing his face to grow red.

"Good to know Mr.Heere... now may we continue with class?" Mr.Quinn raised an eyebrow.

Jeremy nodded while the class snickered at him, and Mr.Quinn turned back to the board, scribbling stuff down as he continued his lecture.

Christine looked down at her lap, a sad expression on her face.

Jeremy frowned, feeling some-what guilty for yelling at her like that, "...I'm sorry..." He murmured, "I've just had a rough day..."

"Wanna' talk about it?" Christine turned towards him.

"...No...but..." He thought for a moment, "I need to talk to you at lunch."

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