Tired Michael

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[Part of Fluff O' Mania] [Requested]

Tired Michael, much like the rest of the world, was absolutely horrible at having rational conversations- or doing anything in the right mind for that matter. So of course, Jeremy Absolutely. LOVED. Tired Michael. Because when Michael was out of it, he'd admit anything and do anything he wanted to, which was quite a fun experience as a whole for Jeremy.

So naturally, when Michael had texted Jeremy, he sprang for the opportunity.

[Michael] Dude my Ma made me teach my little cousin how to swim today- I mean, it was adorable and hilarious, and of course fun, but we were swimming in the public pool FOR SIX WHOLE HOURS

[Michael] Like...what the actual frick???

[Michael] What kind of five year-old has that much stamina???

[Michael] I can barely feel my limbs and I think I'm going to collapse h e l p

[Jeremy] Come over to my house and we can cuddle <3


[Michael] I mean

[Michael] I'll be there in five.

Jeremy giggled to himself as he set his phone down, laying back in his bed and putting the device on his bed-side table to be forgotten about later. He was snuggled deep and content under the covers of his mattress and relishing the warmth that the sheets and comforter brought forth. Truthfully, Jeremy was fairly tired as well, even though it was really only about Nine PM and he usually didn't go to sleep until 3 AM. However, he'd barely gotten eight hours of sleep the previous night and was used to getting well over that, during spring break that is, nonetheless, he would stay up if it meant watching Michael be all goofy. Michael was normally a huge romantic kind of person anyway, but when he was tired,  well, that lovey dovey stuff was at its max. And Jeremy loved it.

Jeremy listened as the click of his front door sounded and the familiar slam came to follow...then proceeding with slow, but loud, clunking and clinking footsteps as Michael dragged himself up the stairs. Michael had his own house-key to the Heere household since Jeremy's big escape during Christmas, incase Michael had to drag him back for whatever reason ever again. Also, Michael came over so often it just seemed right for him to have a key, the Heere Household had known him for over twelve years now and not to mention that Jeremy has had a key to the Mell Houshold for well over three years now, even during the whole squip incident, and even after Michael had allowed him to keep it.

There was the growing sound of muttered groans as Michael reached Jeremy's door and lazily turned the knob of it, sliding in and gently pushing the door closed behind him. As quickly as he could, Michael kicked off his shoes and socks in sync and leapt forward, collapsing on the top of Jeremy's bed, not even bothering to submerge himself under the covers.

Jeremy just giggled and threw the comforter to the side to better reach Michael, escaping his own sheets' grasps to sit atop the bed as Michael did.

Michael instinctively edged closer to Jeremy as he made himself available, using what energy he had left to wrap his arms around to boy and use him as a teddy-bear, pulling him close to his chest and nuzzling his head.

Jeremy smiled and buried his face in the front of Michael's neck, pressing multiple kisses to it, "How was your day Babyboy?"

"Too much." Michael grumbled.

"Did you miss me?"

Michael nodded and hugged Jeremy tighter, "I always miss you when you're gone..."

"Aw, you can always send me a text, Michael." Jeremy nuzzled his shoulder, resting his chin there.

"Yeah but it's not the same as your touch." Michael frowned, kissing Jeremy's head with his eyes closed.

Jeremy smiled widely, red blush dusted his face, "Yeah, I know. What do you like the best?"

"When you rub my back." Michael nodded.

"Alright." Jeremy took his arm from where it was squashed between his and Michael's chests and placed it on the other boy's back, rubbing small circles onto it.

Michael sighed contently, "Yeah..." He yawned tiredly.

"Want me to kiss you?" Jeremy murmured.

Michael nodded again, "Mhm." He hummed quietly.

"Okay, where do you want me to kiss you?" Jeremy closed his eyes happily.

"All over my face." Michael yawned again.

"M'kay..." Jeremy yawned back, they were contagious after all, he began planting small kisses all over Michael's face, starting with his nose, then his forehead, then his cheeks, and so on.

Michael smiled as he slowly let sleep take hold of him.

Jeremy murmured a sweet goodnight as he began to hear Michael start to snore out loud. He then rested his face in Michael's chest and took in a deep breath of Michael's sweet scent, he smelled strongly of chlorine and pool water. Jeremy smiled against the boy's chest as he too began to fall into the wonders of sleep.

"I love you..." Jeremy whispered.


Turns out Jeremy had been the lovey dovey boyf this time.

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