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-chucks more floof-

Jeremy opened his eyes to a blank white room. He blinked in confusion. He moved forward, calling out to anybody who was there. There was no response. He frowned. He could have sworn he had been playing some video game with Michael the night before...though they had gotten so drunk he couldn't recall anything other than that. He walked around the white space, stopping when he hit something, "Ow..." He murmured, falling onto his back. He felt something press hard against his face and blinked a few times to see if the hidden objects would reveal himself. He thought for a moment and then suddenly realized what was going on, he was having a lucid dream. He leapt to his feet and looked around, he could do anything! Yet...he wasn't able to. He closed his eyes and tried the simplest thing he could think of, which of course was flying. However, he soon found that all he could do was walk around. He frowned, disappointed, he started to call out again, "Hello? Is anybody there?" He waved around, "I know I'm dreaming! Does that mean I can wake up now?" There was no response for a few minutes, then there were footsteps behind him, he whipped around to see his mind had made up the image of PacMan. Jeremy was silent for a moment, before running at PacMan and halting just before reaching him, "I-it's you! I managed to make Pacman appear...in my dream!" Jeremy laughed triumphantly.

Pacman waved, "Yep."

Jeremy paced, "Now what?"

"...We could kiss." PacMan suggested.

Jeremy's face turned red, "H-how'd you know I've-"

"Always wanted to kiss PanMan? We're in your mind Jeremy. I'm part of your mind. I am you."

"Oh...right..." Jeremy stepped forward, "I...I couldn't though..."

"Why?" PacMan shrugged.

"I have a boyfriend!"


"So...I love him and him only..."

"Why do you love him?" PacMan blinked blankly.

Jeremy sighed, "What's there not to love?" He sat down across from PacMan.

"Specifics I mean." PacMan sat down.

"Is PacMan really this nosey?"

"As Nosey as you make me to be in 'your' mind."

"Oh...yeah...sorry again."

PacMan shrugged.

"Well...first...I guess his outward appearance." Jeremy smiled, "He's got this wonderful hair that fluffs up at the front...and it's really soft and adorable..."

PacMan nodded , "What else?"

"Then there's his glasses, they move up on his face when he smiles and...when we kiss he doesn't take them off so they bump against my face awkwardly...and then he get's embarrassed about that and it's so sweet." Jeremy sighed lovingly, "And his smile...his smile is wonderful...I see it so often that it's there even when he's not, it's like...when he talk, even if you're not looking at him you can tell that he's smiling the way his voice comes out in a breathy way...and he's cheeks brighten up when they curve into that smile..."

"Wow. You've sure got the hots for this guy." PacMan looked at the love-struck Jeremy with a continuing blank expression.

Jeremy sat up, startled, "Wh-what n-no...maybe...? Y-yeah..."

"And his inward appearance?"

Jeremy nodded, "He's got a personality that's cuter than his face." Jeremy chuckled, "Any other person would think he's some weirdo gamer that's too cool for his own skin, or at least- he thinks he is. But, really, he's just a hardcore softy. He can get emotional at times...when he's crying...and he says my name...it's tragically wonderful...it's like...he says my name like he wants me...like he needs me...and I'm there." Jeremy closed his eyes, imagining Michael in his mind, "And he's always there for me...and we both know this..."

"I'll take that kiss now." PacMan nodded, reaching towards Jeremy.

"Wh-what!?" Jeremy squinted as PacMan's came towards his eyes- he felt hands on his face and suddenly the white room disappeared. He was in Michael's Basement now...and PacMan was Michael.

Jeremy blinked several times to focus his vision, he touched his head and took off a strapped on black box...he glanced towards Michael he sat on the floor with him, right across from him, bright red in the face, looking as small and flush as ever.

"...You passed out last night...with your virtual reality head-set still on..." Michael looked down at his own knees, "...When you woke up you thought you were dreaming...and so I put my head-set on..."

Jeremy swallowed, realizing that Michael had been using a PacMan skin in their blank world, his face turned redder than it ever had before, his voice coming out squeaky, "...Y-you...h-heard all of th-that..." He felt dizzy and heated, standing up and shakily moving to the basement couch, placing his hand over his mouth in shock and complete embarrassment.

Michael quickly moved to follow him, sitting beside him just an inch away from touching.

Jeremy let out a groan that came out more as a squeal of pain.

"Jer..." Michael scooted closer to him so that they pressed against each other, laying his head on Jeremy's shoulder, "...I didn't think anybody would ever love me that much..."

Jeremy turned to Michael and saw that his glasses were off in his hand, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes, some escaping.

"...And nobody else but me ever will." Jeremy put his arm around Michael's shoulder and pulled him closer.

Michael instinctively wrapped his arms around Jeremy as Jeremy wrapped his arms around him. He burrowed his face into Jeremy's chest and let out a content hum, "Yeah...nobody else but you could love me as much as you do..."

Jeremy could feel Michael smile against his chest and felt his heart swell up with joy, he rested his chin on top of Michael's head.

"I love you just as much." Michael looked up at Jeremy, nuzzling his cheek.

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