Pining Heere

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Where Michael essentially pines over Jeremy despite them dating already.
Not meant to be much of a plot heavy chapter, just fluff since the last chapter was plot heavy with a little fluff, this is light plot with lots of fluff

Jeremy had little to no idea, the power he held over Michael. How just the sight of him set Michael at a jump and an ease of mind, allowing a smile to wiggle up onto his face and let out a small sigh of exasperation,

He was dating Jeremy Heere.

Jeremy Fuckin' Heere.

W o w.

Michael nearly swooned when Jeremy lifted his gaze and smiled at him.
That smile, right there, Michael was sure he could swim in the joy that welled from Michael at the sight of it.

It was so...precious, no words could describe it.

"Wow.." Michael chuckled as he walked up to Jeremy.

"What?" Jeremy cocked an eyebrow.

"It's the heck am I dating you?" Michael's voice was breathless.

Jeremy grinned, "What? Michael, we've been dating for nearly four months now-"

"Yes, and that's not going to stop me from wanting to go up to you and remind you how spectacular every time I see you. Really, Jeremy, you should be surprised I've been able to just smile at you when I see you until now- if it were up to my heart it'd just be a string of compliments about everything I can list in a minute when I see you." Michael was beaming a blushing smile.

Jeremy was boasting the same look, "Sounds like a game? Swooning over me for a minute?"

"No, no-" Michael shook his head, "Swooning is completely different matter. I swoon for you all day, I just don't compliment you all day."

"I can see that." Jeremy chuckled.

"I could though." Michael shrugged, "It wouldn't be hard."

Jeremy rolled his eyes with a chuckle, "You're such a dork."

"I know." Michael shrugged, taking Jeremy's hand and lacing their fingers together.

"My dork, though." Jeremy hummed.

Michael was sure he would actually fall one of these days.

Oh, and there he goes.

//Haven't written flat out Boyf Fluff in such a long time, even if this was short and ya' know, easy inspiration and what noooooottttt
Would love to write more of this if any of y'all have requests, feel free to pitch 'em and I may do 'em!

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