Am I really doing this?

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Yes. Yes I am writing over around 50 shorts. Why?

Well you see dear readers, my good ol' pal...z... over at @MichaelMelloncholy have recently hit over 400 followers, and you see, their most recent update to We Need to Be More Chill has a list of head-canons given by people on their discord server [Which, MAY I just say, is amazing and yes'm.] So without further hesitations, heere you go, I'm writing a short for each of these head-canons.

[Oh and I don't want to spoil the shorts so if you'd like the prompts for these go check out their book]

[Tw] Touching w/out permissions, mention of self harm, anxiety-attacks, minor/mention of NSFW/that kind of stuff, trigger words, getting triggered,

1. Jeremy whistled to himself as he tapped his foot to the beat of his music that only played for him, leaning against his locker with his eyes closed in contentment. It was nearly fifteen minutes after school's end so nobody would be in the hallways, well, other than the chess club geeks who were obsessing over unlocking their next brass chess piece every time they beat someone at a match. So, this gave Jeremy time to himself, he needed a break from life every now and then to just take it all in and breath. Except, this was never the case, and Jeremy could never do this, and this was why.

Michael crept around the corner of the hallway and eyed his target, his eyes hungrily resting on Jeremy's face. He snuck forward and when he was a few feet away, he leapt, pushing the boy to the ground and prompting a yelp from him.

Before Jeremy could respond, Michael smacked his lips to the boy he had now pinned on the ground.

Michael grinned, "That makes twenty-seven for Mell, and zero for Heere!"

Jeremy struggled to push off Michael, "No fair! You know what happened when I tried to kiss attack you!"

"It's not my fault I'm flexible." Michael shrugged and rolled off of Jeremy.

"You cartwheeled away from me!" Jeremy squeaked.

"Brooke thought I should learn how so bam." Michael flashed a grin.

Jeremy let out a pout, "Let's just get home."


Jeremy held out his hand for Michael to grab.

Michael smiled and went to grab his hand.

Jeremy quickly withdrew his hand and planted a quick kiss on Michael's cheek with a giggle.

Michael smirked, "I'll give you a five second head start."

Jeremy's face dropped to a look of horror as he yelped, "Wh-what do you me-"

"Five seconds are up!" Michael squealed and leapt at Jeremy and planted a kiss on his nose.

"Love you too." Jeremy huffed through crossed arms.

2. Christine nervously paced backstage, it was dress-rehearsal and she absolutely had to properly get her part done. She knew that no matter what, it was key to stay on track and on tune. She had to hit the last not of Defying Gravity perfectly or Mr.Reyes would squint at her again. He'd squint! Oh how dreadful that would be- he'd chew angrily on his hotpocket, but you'd never be able to tell! That was the worst part! It was like being all alone and nobody else getting the feelings that you're feeling that are bubbling up inside of you and only you can see the hate in that hot pocket and only you can feel it and you can't relate to anybody else your age and-

Christine's thoughts were cut into when the opening number started. She had multiple songs and dialogue before she had to go on for that number, she'd be fine until then- right?

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