Dear Evan Hansen [Special]

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[So most of ya'll know what DEH is...? If not, feel free to skip this chapter- but it's gay none the less so even if you don't  know what DEH is, if you want your gay you can get it HeEre] [Yeah so, this got requested so I guess I'll post it HeEre as a special >w< For 25k then~ By the way, thank you for all the fabulous views <3 *flips the table out the window* I love ya'll]


Evan trembled as he raced out of the funeral home. He couldn't bare to see Connor's body like that...not when...not when he wasn't in it...not when his one love was diseased...He wouldn't accept it. No. Connor was out there in the universe somewhere...he wasn't gone...he couldn't be, he wouldn't have left Evan to fend for himself...they'd just finally started to become moer than friends and now...Connor had pulled the trigger on himself the night before...and there was nothing Evan could do about this, and it killed him, absolutely killed him. Evan felt the sobs rake through his body and he didn't know how much longer he could take this. He knew he had to get somewhere safe, somewhere familiar. So he booked it down the street, he had to get to the orchard, as if his life depended on it- and maybe it did.


When he finally reached the place of sacred trees he was full on sobbing. Grieving while having an anxiety attack was never fun whatsoever, in any circumstance. Evan sniffled looking around the park, placing his hands over his mouth as memories flooded through his mind. Connor and him used to come here...they would just hang out and take in the view...they used to do all sorts of stuff at the orchard, it was the only place that seemed completely at ease, completely peaceful, and not the least bit judgmental. Evan gazed over the yellow fields, Connor and him used to climb trees over there...climb trees...maybe...maybe Evan could climb...maybe...maybe then it wouldn't hurt anymore. Eagerness fizzled in his feet as he bounded towards the border of trees that outlined the hills, picking carefully. There were some oaks...but their branches were too thin...Some birch's...but their bark was too soft. And there, there seemed to come about the most wonderful tree that Evan had ever laid eyes on. It had a sturdy trunk and branches, it was the perfect height for his...climbing, most likely around seventeen or eighteen in tree years, however, he was unable to identify the tree's species, though right now, at this moment in time, for the first time- it wasn't about the trees. He just needed to climb, climb, climb and...Evan shook his head and leapt towards the tree, climbing up the branches one by one, two by two, until finally, finally he reached the tree's peak. He grabbed hold of the branch with his hands, planning on slowly letting go with each finger over time, starting with his pinkie finger. Then his ring finger. Until he finally reached his final two fingers, hanging on like a raptor. He sniffled, beginning to regret his decisions and debating on turning back, No...if he did this...then he could see Connor, then he could finally confess to him...something he should have done a long, long time ago but never had the guts to do so. He nodded surely, beginning to let go, however, just before his final fingers slip, something fluttered down and landed on the branch he gripped. Evan furred his brow in confusion at the sight of the flower. It was white...but it also had streaks of Each petal was different... but he recognized the colors, and in the center of the flower was it's pollen, jet black, like the shade of Connor's nail polish...Connor's..."Connor!" He yelled. It was too late, he was falling, falling...until.


Evan heard a loud snap. He didn't know what the snap was but in a moment...he could no longer feel any pain was all...gone. He opened his eyes and blinked, he was on the ground, he let out an inaudible groan, looking up  at the tree. The flower had fallen with him, landing delicately on his face, he smiled, not wanting to move it and too paralyzed to have a say in the matter anyway. Then, a flash of movement caught his eye, and he blinked to see a darkened outline of a a was standing in front of the...the rainbow tree, bending down to look at him with a loving smile. It was Connor...Evan tried to move his lips to form speech, however, it was a lost cause, as by now, even his lips had gone numb.

Connor shook his head, as if to silence the boy anyway, he pressed a kiss to Evan's head before he blurred in with Evan's darkening vision, a voice murmuring in his ear, "I'm always with you...for forever...I love you Ev-"


Evan woke up with a gasp, wincing at the bright white lights around him. For a moment, he was confused, then it all came crashing back to him, "Connor!" He wailed. There was a sudden cough of surprise and a one Jared Kleinman woke up from his position at the corner of the room.

"E-Evan! You're alive!" Jared grinned.

"Wh-what happened?" I stuttered.

"I found you passed out in a field scared me half to death..." Jared frowned.

"N-No...I was under the tree!"

"...What tree?"

//Author's Note: THIS WAS MEANT TO BE FLUFF. Uh yeah so this was a request for Connor to be reincarnated as a tree... it's angsty I know. Fluff is coming, children, and non-children, I promise <3

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