Backstreet's back

732 28 14

TW: Cutting/Self-Harm/Mention of death/suicide
Michael rocked back and forth in the school's smallest bathroom.
It was perfect,
Third floor of the 2000s building, an unmarked door at the end of the hall that was actually a bathroom.
Nobody would come in.
Nobody would notice.
It was perfects
In such a terrible way.

Michael sat in the corner of it, cold tile floor and an eggshell-colored wall. The white lights of the bathroom were nearly blinding but served well as a distraction. They took away his capability to focus, so when the blade hit his wrist, he hardly noticed.
There was a quiet hiss of pain- but an odd feeling of a lack of pain.
Old scars were retraced.

What the hell were you thinking, Mell?

With everyone repeat of the word, a new slash to his wrist.

One for when he ignored you
Two for when he continued
Three for when he will
Because you deserve it.
God, you KNOW you deserve it. You don't need a fucking reason, just your existence, dear buddy.

Michael didn't need a SQUIP to corrupt his brain, he just needed his self-doubt.
It was just as powerful if not more.

It was hard to tell where the rolled up sleeves of Michael's hoodie started and where the trickle of blood ended. They were all just a blur.
Michael's eyes were fuzzy with water and he glasses were crooked.

However, what he hadn't been aware of was the anxious boy looking for him.
The cause and solution to his problems.

Jeremy jogged quickly around the school campus, not having found Michael during their break period which was now coming to a close. He debated yelling Michael's name down the partially-full hallways but knew better than to try and drown-out the buzz of the conversations taking place. From experience, it wouldn't work.
That experience that Jeremy had was what made him worry.
Last time Michael had disappeared for no apparent reason, he'd nearly hospitalized himself.
This drove Jeremy to pick up just pace to a brisk sprint.
He racked his mind for any idea of where Michael might be.
And then he recalled the events of last week.

"I'll be right back- keep watching it until the end, dude, you won't believe what happens!" Michael chuckled as he jogged away from where Jeremy sat on the sofa in his basement, watching some dumb, yet adorable, cat meme that Michael just had to show him.
As soon as Michael left, Jeremy exited the video.
Michael had made the mistake of leaving his phone unlocked to show Jeremy the video.
Jeremy slipped into his contacts and quickly changed his name to The Raddest Dude, such a madlad, that Jeremy Heere.
He heard Michael's footsteps returning with refreshments and quickly tried to exit out of the screen. His thumb slipped on the share location: outstandingly, causing Jeremy to quickly try to reverse it before Michael neared, and Jeremy was faced with no choice but to swiftly switch back to the car videos.
For all Michael knew, Jeremy had simply changed his contact name.

Jeremy pulled his phone out as he presently stopped in the hallway. He fumbled around before locating Michael.
The phone would only show where he was on the flat side of things, not what floor.

"North side of the 2000s it." Jeremy panted to himself, quietly, before beginning his trek into the building and up the separate flights of stairs, beginning to check each bathroom.

Michael couldn't tell up from down or left from right when he hit the floor. All he knew was the he couldn't feel anything from his shoulders down- and slowly this was becoming true for the whole of his body.
What blurred image he saw was white and red.
If someone was screaming, he couldn't tell if it was his own mouth making the noise or not, but his mind hardly processed it.

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