Clarification/SNOW FELL 2.0/The Diary [PART 1]

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[This is an actual chapter but please read the authors note first, it's important...]



Hey guys <3 so I've been asked a lot about what's in Michael's drawer that he didn't want Jeremy to find? [Aka the scene in Snowfell where Michael is worried that Jeremy opened the wrong drawer.] So Truth/Dare will come tomorrow, while I address this [So if you have any more truths/dares, submit them now while you have time~!] Quick disclaimer though, -It's not kinky I know. I just disappointed half of you, but sorry <3 I still love you but no <3 ANYWAY! ONWARDS TO THE FLUFF!



"Jerbear~?" Michael fluttered his eyes at Jeremy, round with love.

Jeremy sighed, "What do you want now?"

"Don't assume I just want something! I could very well just be telling you that I love you." Michael grinned.

"Yeah, but if you were doing that you'd just do it." Jeremy shrugged, pausing their game and standing up, "So what is it?"

Michael hugged Jeremy's leg, "Cwould you maybwe go get mwe my phwone fwom my woom?" Michael tried his best cutesy voice, "For your baby boy~?"

Jeremy's face turned bright red, "Oh my god Michael, seriously? You're pulling that on me?"

"I'm hugging that on you~!" Michael hugged Jeremy's leg tighter.

Jeremy chuckled in defeat, "Fiiine, where is it?"

"On my dresser I think!" Michael flopped back into his beanbag, releasing Jeremy's twig-leg.

"Okay, but I'm calling you my baby boy the rest of the night!" Jeremy began to sprint up stairs.

"No faaair! You don't let me call you..." Michael's voice trailed off as Jeremy reached the top of the stairs.

Jeremy then proceeded towards Michael's room and took in the sight. The room was terribly messy and if Michael's phone wasn't on his dresser it would be like roaming all of hell. However, Jeremy enjoyed it this way as it left barely any room for sitting, which gave him the opportunity to sit on Michael's lap and squeak the day away while they played video games up there.

Jeremy stopped once he reached the dresser, before he even looked he pulled out his own phone to call Michael's, he wasn't going to take the time to sort through the pile of trash that was his dresser-top if it turned out the phone was somewhere else. And oh, what a shocker, it was.

The phone rang almost immediately after Jeremy hit the call button, ringing from inside the drawer, not on top of it. That figures. Jeremy huffed in annoyance before opening the drawer, just some boxers, and more boxers, "Jesus..." Jeremy sighed, moving the clothes around until he finally found the phone- on...and open book...with a pen...and...writing?

Jeremy swallowed, picking up the phone and beginning to close the drawer, It's his personal shit, it's his personal's...shit...I have to open it, I have to be a good boyf and if it's a will or something I need to help him Jeremy nodded to himself, feeling better that he had now justified his actions, though deep down he knew this was wrong...but wasn't it so right?

Jeremy eagerly snatched up the book and booked it into Michael's closet, shutting the door in front of him and using Michael's phone as a flashlight. He gingerly smiled as he saw that Michael's screensaver had changed from a cat meme to a picture of Jeremy mid squeak, which looked like a blurred up scrunched face.

Jeremy made a mental note to change his screensaver from a screenshot of Michael singing in his tutu to a picture of him mid scream. The tutu pic was pretty dang adorable, however. Jeremy then shook his head, focusing on his task at hand and flipping to the first page of the book...

Dear Diary,

                      Hi! I'm Michael! I'm currently thirteen and I'm really excited to receive you <3

Jeremy paused, "Oh my lord it's his diary..." Jeremy let out a half shrill half scream, "Well now I have to continue." He muttered to himself.

I'll keep this simple, I'm a retro geek. Geek. Not nerd. And if anyone ever finds this book, please don't read it without my permission, please, like, seriously, don't do it or you're a dick...or a bitch, whichever pronoun you prefer <3 M'kay!

With Love, Michael <3

Jeremy flipped to the next page and saw a title, First Day of School. He suddenly felt a burning sensation in his chest as he wondered...Is there a chapter about me? His body filled with excitement and he began flipping through the pages, as quickly as delicate would allow, not wanting to notify Michael of his readings by tearing a page. It didn't take long before he reached a chapter titled JerBear <3 He nearly squealed at the title. I'm so gay. He skimmed through the pages to see how long the chapter was...

After six minutes of flipping, Jeremy realized the rest of the book was about him.



This will be continued after I finish truth or dare, enjoy~!

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