Super Hero AU

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[The 100 AU will be continued in the future, though I still have to finish up a few requests and The Diary [Part whatever we're on]]

Sorry for the inactivity guys </3 I just haven't been as inspired lately and real life is always nagging at you "^^ But I can offer you this because I really just need to write about some fluff right now??? And got inspired by one of my fans for this, as requested <3

Thanks for being awesome Chill Pills!


Michael didn't mind his job. Sure, it was a pretty big task being a superhero and all but, he was used to it. However, what he didn't appreciate was his powers. His powers... he was basically a walking soda fountain. He was capable of emitting different powers of Mountain Dew Red. It would seem to be a pretty odd power but had actually been done so on purpose, Michael used to be a normal teenaged boy on the streets of New Jersey, however, that all changed when he signed up for his summer job. He didn't quite remember anything from the time before he became his superhero self, just that when he opened his eyes he knew how to breath, had common knowledge of life as it's known, and that he was needed.

What Michael was told was he had signed up for experimenting, which was probably true if they had offered him enough money, and being the humble person he was- Michael obliged, thus when he woke up- he was now capable of squirting the red power drink through his palms and mouth. He constantly tasted the bittersweet tang of Mountain Dew and RED40 dye mixed together, it was just peachy.

Michael never once questioned what his previous life was like, well, no that wasn't true. He had asked once, questioning the people who had made him this way, but was simply kicked out from his home in the company's apartment complex and into their basement. Michael was fine with this though, for some odd reason it felt a bit homey.

Anyway, Michael was told he had been bioengineered to defend the city from Squip. Squip was a supervillain. Michael had never met Squip, for the being of evil had been in hiding doing who the hell knows what, but that was truly about to change.

Despite Michael having super powers, he needed to sleep just as much as anybody else would, however, this morning he woke up to a rather odd alarm, not much similar to his usual Duck Quacking alarm. No, it was a shrieking like sound, it first made its way into Michael's dreams before he woke up with a start, groaning groggily as he looked around at his basement home. He had fallen asleep on his beanbag while playing MarioKart on the PiiU system he had been provided, he got a new gadget every time he had to get a shot. Which was quite frequent, whether it was blood-draws or stamina checks or whatever kind of needle they needed to poke into his veins. He hated IVs the most, especially when they had to put one in his wrist. Uhg, that hurt the worse.

So of course, Michael's basement room was filled with all sorts of Retro stuff, literally anything he asked for- though on the one condition that he had to fulfill his duty to humanity and protect the city and what not. This was chill with Michael, rarely anything bad happened, most of the town was too afraid to commit crimes incase they got drowned by Mountain Dew or thrown into a tornado of the sticky substance. And the squip had been in hiding, so all had been pretty much peaceful.


That's when the screams seemed to fully reach through to Michael' senses and he leapt to his feet, grabbing his Mountain Dew Red hoodie and his red sweat-pants, of course he also wore a set of red converse and...well, most of him was indeed red, his eyes, the tips of his hair, his clothing, the tinted shade of his skin. He didn't blend in well, but he hardly needed to, his apparel was designed to match the palette of his surroundings, darkening the clothing if needed, such as for night, and brightening it at other times, such as a blinding approach- red isn't the most appealing thing to look at when forced in your face so one could imagine the advantage.

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