To Pacify You

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[ I really need to get to bed but- I feel too bad to not give you all fluff so Heere.]

1. Michael payed Rich and Jake to write 'Boyf' and 'Riends' on he and Jeremy's backpacks

2. When Jer and Michael get in a fight, Michael apologizes by showing up at his door in a dolphin outfit

3. Jeremy used to cuddle with Michael while he was passed out due to stoning before they started dating

4. Jeremy would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and cry because he had a dream about he and Michael cuddling and the boy was not there when he woke up

5. Now that Michael and Jer are in a relationship, Jeremy will call Michael at obscure times at night for mandatory cuddles

6. Michael can run from his house to Jeremy's in seconds when he receives a mandatory cuddle call

7. Michael likes holding Jer up to his chest

8. Jeremy likes Michael hugging him by his upper-back

9. Jeremy's upper-back tingles when he's touch starved- he has no idea why.

10. Michael has a fear of being jabbed in the side- by a finger or anything that can touch him

11. Jeremy jabs Michael's side to get him to do dishes around their house

12. Jeremy has a fear of sharks

13. Michael dressed up as left shark for Halloween once while Jeremy dressed up as a dolphin

14. Jeremy refused to speak to Michael for a week after he dressed up as a 'Dolphin slayer' [Aka a shark]

15. Michael got forgiven via go back to #2

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