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The 5 year old Jeremy sat in his car-seat, quietly humming to himself and fiddling with the car buckle. He hummed the tune that his dad whistled in the front seat. He had no idea what 'Kindergarten' was, just that his dad said that he though it was really fun. He was really excited to be able to explore 'kindergarten' with his dad and grow up just a little more. Jeremy kicked his legs back and forth with a wide grin as the car stopped.

Mr.Heere headed out of the car and opened to back door to help unbuckle his son, who seemed to nearly burst from his seat the moment he was set free. Mr.Heere chuckled as Jeremy grabbed his hand and pulled at it as he bounced out of the car.

"C-C-C-Come on, dad!" He stuttered excitedly, "We're gonna' miss it!"

Mr.Heere smiled and closed the door the car, following with locking it, "We won't miss it. We're 10 minutes early kiddo~"

Jeremy had no concept of time and pulled at his dad harder, smiling as Mr.Heere began to follow him.

They soon neared the front of the school, heading in and down the hall, "Alright, your room is the fifth one to the left. Remember how to count?"

"One..." Jeremy used his fingers to count, "Two...three...four...five..."

"And which way is left?"

Jeremy made an L with both his hands and saw that the right hand had a backwards L, he waved his left hand, "This one! This way! The way I write!"

"Very good, Jer!" Mr.Heere smiled, stopping at the first classroom, "Now, show me where your classroom is if it's the fifth one on the right."

Jeremy nodded determinedly and started counting, "One...Two...three...four...five!" Jeremy bounced up and down happily.

"Excellent!" Mr.Heere clapped, then bending down. He gave Jeremy and big hug and a kiss on the head, "You he good today? Alright?"

Jeremy nodded, "Okay! Watch me! I'll be really good! The more gooder of the whole class!"

"I bet you will." Mr.Here smiled and opened the door, allowing Jeremy in.

Jeremy walked in and stared in awe at the classroom. There was a rainbow-square circle rug in the center and tables, surrounded by chairs, guarding that rug. Two white boards at either end of the room and different students scattered all around, and a kind looking lady watching over it all. Jeremy headed towards the rug and turned back towards his dad to show him the spot he snagged. When he turned around all he saw was a closing door and one Mr.Heere moving out of sight.

"D-dad?" Jeremy felt his heart break. His dad had left him. He didn't want him anymore. He was alone. Jeremy immediately collapsed to the ground and started wailing.

All the students looked at him for a moment before awkwardly turning away.

Jeremy let out another sob, his gaze blurred by tears.

The teacher started to get up when she spotted a boy running up to Jeremy.

Jeremy felt a hand on his shoulder and wiped his eyes, though still bawling, he half expected it to be his dad and looked over, his eyes stinging as tears continued to poor, he saw the blurry imagine of a small boy.

"What wrong?" Frowned the small boy.

"M-my d-dad l-left m-me." Jeremy sobbed.

"My mom left me too." Michael sighed.

"N-nobody w-wants m-me." Jeremy's sobs began to get louder.

"That's not true!" The little boy grabbed Jeremy in a hug, "I want you!"

Jeremy paused a moment before hugging the boy back and nestling his face into his shoulder. His sobbing slowly died down into whimpers as he focused on the warmth around him.

The boy just smiled and continued to hug.

Jeremy sat back and looked at the boy, now able to see him clearly, he was tan with black hair and soft, chocolate-brown eyes. He wore a blue sweatshirt and plaid pants, along with fake-leather boots. Jeremy smiled, "Th-thanks. I'm Jeremy."

"I'm Michael!" Michael grinned, "We're best friends now right?"

"Duh." Jeremy laughed.

"Alright class! Pick a square on the rug!" Called the teacher as the bell rung.

Michael shared a square with Jeremy, holding hands, no homo.

"I'm Mrs.Kleinman! I'm you're teacher!" "Today we'll be drawing and coloring!" The teacher exclaimed.

There was an uproar of cheers and giggles.

"I want you all to pick a table to sit at, alright?" "Go!"

All the children scrambled to their feet and started picking tables.

Michael stood up and pulled Jeremy up by the hand, "Come on!" They rushed over to a table occupied by two boys.

"Hi! I'm Michael! And this is Jeremy! He's my husband!" Michael squeaked.

"Yeah!" Jeremy went along with it.

"I'm Rich and go away!" Rich turned back to his blank piece of paper.

Michael frowned, "He's not invited to our wedding."

Jeremy nodded, "Agreed."

Michael dragged Jeremy to a desk in the corner of the classroom, it only had one seat but that was fine, the boys didn't mind sharing.

The teacher walked over to Michael and Jeremy, "That's the naughty corner, sweethearts. Why don't you pick a seat by those lovely gentlemen?" She pointed towards a circular table.

Michael shook his head, "No thanks Miss! I wanna sit by my husband!" He smiled happily.

The teacher looked at them, "O-Oh! You're g- of course." She smiled, walking back to the center of the room, "Today I want you all to draw a picture of something you like! It can be An animal, your parents, a sister-"

Jeremy raised his hand.

"Yes, sweetie?" The teacher called on him.

"Can if he Michael?" He asked.

The teacher chuckled, "Of course." "Now get to work!" She grinned, heading back to her desk.

"Well if you draw me then I'll draw you!" Michael began scribbling a big circle with two sticks coming out of it, a body that was also the head and then the two legs, "Oh and draw me in a dress! I wanna' be the wife."

"Okay!" Jeremy got to work.

They scribbled for a few minutes before Jeremy tapped Michael on the shoulder, "How do you spell your name?" He asked.

"Uh...M...I...C...A...L...L...M...C...H...A...E...L." Michael had no idea what he had just said, he just knew his ma had spelled out those letters in some kind of order. He was probably right...probably?

"Okay!" Jeremy began writing the name.

"What's your name again?" Michael asked guiltily.

"Jeremy!" He giggled.

"Oh yeah, Ima give you another name so I can remember it!" Michael nodded.

"Yay!" Jeremy squeaked.

" remind me of my teddy bear! Cos' you're really soft and cute!" Michael smiled, "So I'll call you Jer-Bear!"

"I like that a lot!" Jeremy squealed.

They continued scribbling.

"We'll always be together, right?" Jeremy looked over at Michael.

"Alway, Jer-Bear~"

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