Diary Entry [Part 3]

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[See I'm actually doing shtuff with it]

Jeremy pulled out the diary from his backpack, snuggling up into his comforter. He had nearly forgotten about the object when he got home- but he was ready now, and he was going to binge read this thing until he had to go to sleep.

Jeremy opened up the journal to his section. His section. He loved that, he loved that he had his very own section in Michael's Diary. Jeremy let out a small squeak of joy as he flipped to the next chapter of the diary, nestling deeper into his fluffy sheets before starting.

[Diary Entry]

Dear Diary,



Okay caps is getting too difficult to write cos' it hurts the side of wrist. ANYWAY. So Jeremy was over earlier and he and I were just playing video games as usual- BUT THEN his got a hole in it- again- I'll stitch it up later- as I am a masterful sewer- OKAY BUT LIKE then he suggested that we share a beanbag and-

[Some time ago. . .] [Probably Freshman Year. . .]

"Micha my beanbag chair has a hole in it." Jeremy pouted.

Michael paused the video game they were playing and glanced over at Jeremy frowning, "Aw, I'm sorry bud, maybe we can go do games in my room then and-"

"Nah let's just share yours." Jeremy shrugged casually and trotted over to Michael, flopping down beside him before receiving a proper response.

Michael could feel his face getting hotter by the second, "Y-Yeah-M-mhm." He squeaked out, unpausing their game and continuing. Though to be honest, he could hardly even focus on the game, he was just individually noting where Jeremy pressed against him. The sides of their legs were brushing, Jeremy was leaning on his side, Jeremy's cheek would bounce off of his every time he flailed his controller around, as something stressful would happen in the game, Michael felt like melting into this boy's lap, though he knew he couldn't. He tried to chase away his gay thought but with his crush snuggled in beside him on one beanbag- on a usually made for one beanbag- he couldn't help himself. He closed his eyes halfway as he heard Jeremy calling his name, cherishing the sound of it rolling of the others tongue sweetly. Though then again, it wasn't all that sweet, and suddenly-

Michael yelped as he felt Jeremy pinch his arm, "Come on, Mike! You keep dying! We'll never beat this level if you don't focus!"

"R-Right!" Michael chirped, chills going up his spine from the still stinging pain in his arm. Though he still struggled to play, he tried, honestly he did, but then Jeremy would accidently bump the sides of their legs against each other and Michael would feel his fingers begin the tremble and slowly slip off of his controller.

Jeremy sighed, "Are you just tired or what?" He raised an eyebrow at Michael.

"I-I uh- y-yeah- I-" Michael swallowed nervously, sighing in defeat, "No, yeah, I'm just tired," He leaned back.

"That's fine." Jeremy shrugged, leaning back with him, "I'm tired too." He flopped backwards into a laying position, scooting closer to Michael with a casual expression, "Let's just pick this up later." He said nonchalantly. He turned onto his side and shuffled under Michael's arm, letting out a high-pitched yawn before settling down.

Michael. Was. Done for.

Michael could feel himself turning into practical jelly right now, he had his arm around Jeremy, Jeremy fucking Heere. Multiple chills and shivers ran up and down his spine, and he hoped Jeremy wouldn't notice the goose-bumps that were forming all over his skin. He shrank down a little, and when he thought he couldn't blush anymore-

Jeremy sleepily put his arms around Michael, pulling him slightly closer.

Michael let a small squeak escape from lips before pursing them together, Jeremy was just tired- that was all, yeah that was it, he was sleep moving, "J-Jer?" Michael whispered. . . there was no response. Michael let out a sigh of relief, Oh thank lord he's asleep.

Michael coolly turned onto his side and slowly placed his arms around Jeremy, over a period of time, as to not wake the boy, he pulled him closer bit by bit until they pressed up close together like that of a sandwich.

Jeremy murmured a bit in his sleep before nuzzling his face into Michael's neck.

Michael let out a small giggle before placing an ever so delicate kiss on the tip of one of Jeremy's tufts of curly hair.

[Diary Entry]

And then I fell asleep too after awhile but oh geez I can still feel my face is red- EEEEEEE I can't write enough 'E's to express how much I'm squealing right now. I just...I love this guy WAAAAY too much for my own good, but honestly, I hope he likes me too- I mean- If he's gay??? I don't know??? I really hope he is and I really REALLY REALLY HOPE HE'S GAY

Shoot that felt embarrassing just to write...Hey maybe one day Jer will be with me and then- oh geez then I could show him these entries- gah, I don't know though but if I did- probably not unless we were actually serious because like- imagine showing him these entries and then we break up- that would be kinda' weird, don't you think?

...I'm writing to a book. Ah well, I might read over these some day, cringe, and then burn them, BUT I hope I don't burn this page...I really like this memory...

Anyway, have a nice day being a Diary! I hope it goes well- I hope it goes Mell]

Alright, bye!

-<3 Mikey-Poo <3

Jeremy giggled, "And he said his mom only called him that once." He shook his head, "Dork." He grinned, closing the book and setting it on his bedside table. He remembered that day...

He'd purposefully made a hole in the beanbag.

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