Christmas is Heere [Part 1]

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Part of my 10k Special [Requests are still Open, just comment >w<]


Jeremy raced down the hall, pulling Michael along with him.

Michael giggled, Jeremy shushing him in response while struggling to contain his own joy.

"Come on! Come on!" Jeremy grinned, shoving Michael into his room and quietly closing it behind them. Once in there, both of the boys let out a sigh of relief, and then flopped down beside each other on Jeremy's bed, Michael placing down a duffle-bag that he had been carrying along with him.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this." Michael chuckled.

"Hey, I've always wanted to spend Christmas with you Michael and now we have a chance!" Jeremy trembled, unable to contain his excitement.

"Let's just hope that my Ma doesn't find out or she'll have a fit." Michael huffed.

"She's upstate with relatives, Micha." Jeremy turned over onto his side and scooted towards Michael, pressing his cheek to the chest of the other's hoodie.

"Yeah but what if she facetimes me in the middle of the night?" Michael frowned.

"Yeah, cause' your Ma' will be able to tell where you are by looking at the darkness of nowhere in particular." Jeremy grinned, breathing in the scent of Michael and relaxing.

"I guess that's true...but what about your dad? It's Christmas Eve Jer, doesn't he like...give a present the night before or something?" Michael questioned.

"He doesn't give a shit." Jeremy sighed, turning onto his back and placing his arm over Michael's shoulder and pulling him into a side-hug, "He goes to bed and sleeps in late...then forgets to buy a present and makes an excuse to go to the store and who woulda' thought, coincidentally he comes back and there's a present with him! ...It's usually coupons or eggnog..." Jeremy frowned.

Michael frowned along with him, shuffling closer to him and turning over to return the hug, resting his chin on Jeremy's chest, "Don't worry Jer, this year'll be way better than any other year! I'll make sure of it."

Jeremy smiled, kissing the determined boy on the forehead, "Just you being here had already made it so."

Michael squeaked and hid his face in the crook of Jeremy's neck.

"Aw," Jeremy giggled, "Is baby boy blushy~?"

"D-don't call me that!" Michael's voice cracked.

"You know you love it."

". . .It's adorable."

Jeremy let out a sigh of contentment, "G'night baby boy~" Jeremy kissed Michael's head one last time before laying his head back down and closing his eyes.

"G'night Jereypoo~" Michael cracked a grin.

Jeremy flinched and his face shown bright red, "Sh-shut up." He muttered, keeping his eyes closed.

Michael closed his eyes and shifted so he was curled up just under Jeremy's arm, taking off his glasses and dropping them on top of the duffle-bag that lay on the floor, "Love you." He murmured before closing his eyes.

Jeremy smiled, nearly asleep, "Love you too..." For the first time in awhile..Jeremy was looking forward to Christmas morning.


Jeremy let out a gasp as he felt something land on him, his eyes flickered open to a Michael that sat on his stomach excitedly.

"Jer! Jer! Jerbear! It's Christmas! It's Christmas!"

"I...can't...breath!" Jeremy managed to choke out.

Michael then rolled off of Jeremy to come to a flop beside him, then swinging his legs over the side of the bed and leaping off the floor, grabbing his glasses from the duffle-bag as he did so, and turning back around towards Jeremy, "Get up, Get up, let's go!"

"What's all the fuss about Micha?" Jeremy groaned as he got up and stretch.

"I gotta' give you your present under the Christmas tree!" Michael squealed with pure excitement, then frowned, "You do have a tree up at the very least, right?"

"Yeah, my dad doesn't want people thinking that we're totally gloom and doom." Jeremy grumbled, then shook his head in realization, "You got me a present?"

Michael grinned with mischief, "Yup~"

Jeremy's eyes immediately brightened up, he rubbed them quickly to help him wake up, ignoring the fact that he was still in his big Star Wars sleep-shirt and plaid boxers, he booked it towards the door, swinging it open and stopping it just before it slammed against the door, "Oh shoot- my dads still asleep, remember?" Jeremy whispered, "We can't wake him up, alright?" Jeremy tiptoed forward, proceeding towards the living room. He stopped to look behind him, surprised at Michael's skills towards being silent. Jeremy then noticed that Michael hadn't followed him at all and he frowned. However, a few moments later Michael made his way around the hallway corner with a small envelope in his hands, reaching Jeremy, "What's that?" Jeremy asked in a quiet voice as they made their way into the living room.

"Your present, duh!" Michael snickered, racing forward towards the Christmas tree and flopping down at the foot of it. Though he tree didn't have lights, only baring a wired star atop of it, it seemed to be enough. There was a single present under the tree, from Jeremy to his dad, "Aw, you got him a gift?"

Jeremy sat down quietly beside Michael, nodding, "I'm not going to forget Christmas like he does." Jeremy responded dryly

Michael shifted back and forth awkwardly, then wrapping his arm around Jeremy's shoulder's, "Well forget the last few years, this year you'll get a present and then we can go to the store and drown ourselves in eggnog!" Michael laughed.

Jeremy smiled warmly, "That sounds awesome." He rested his head on Michael.

Michael gave Jeremy his gift in a flustered manor, smiling through a red face, "Well...go on now, open won't bite."

"Knowing you Michael, it very well might bite." Jeremy chuckled, opening the small packet. He looked confused at the small token, it was a patch, "...A...leaf patch?" He looked at Michael curiously.

Michael was a blushing mess, "I-it's Mistletoe." He shakily smiled, "I-I have tons of patches so I thought you could h-have one to remember today..." Michael forced himself not to look away from Jeremy, though he desperately wanted to.

Jeremy grinned, "You're such a romantic."

Michael leaned forward, inches away from Jeremy's face, "Yeah but you still love me."

"Well duh." Jeremy sealed the distance between their lips.

Michael wrapping his arms around Jeremy lovingly, pressing kisses all over his face.

Jeremy smiled wide, loving his gift very much.

Michael pressed his forehead to Jeremy's, "All I've ever wanted for Christmas is you..."

"I love you Michael Mell." Jeremy felt the heart grow at his cheeks and ear tips.

"Excuse me?" There was a voice from behind the boys.

Jeremy's face turned from red to white in a matter of seconds. He didn't have to turn around to know it was his father. He immediately got up and booked it towards and out the door, slamming it behind him.

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