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~Year 2066-Autumn-

"Walter, you know how much the humans have retaliated as we've slowly made our presence known..." Arthur's words resonate within the council meeting chamber, myself sitting next to Aohdan while Taft appears bored from across myself. While Walter sits at the head of the council, his brother lingers at his side, the adviser I know who continues to poison the mind of our king.

"They shouldn't be all that upset," Taft sighs and leans his forearms against the table, "we only take what we need to survive, it's not like we've killed any of them outright."

"That's not what the werewolves think," Arthur immediately sets his attention on Taft.

Walter rubs his forehead with aggravation, having gone back and forth between us all as to what our next move is. We'd established this game between the werewolves and ourselves in a display to test our strengths and weaknesses however, when we need to feed, just to survive, the werewolves believe we will be the cause of many human deaths. There is no difference from when we came forth from the shadows to present day, just having our name out to the general public is what puts everyone on edge nowadays.

"If we don't do something to show our power, we'll be little more than vultures waiting to have the okay from the wolves to have our next meal," Arthur speaks up once more, Walter lifting his chin while his cobalt eyes lock with my own. He's thinking, trying to decipher what my opinion is as I really haven't given one.

Walter nods and then parts his lips to speak, Arthur settling back down in his chair as Walter says, "For this upcoming winter solstice, we'll not just play tag with the werewolves..." his voice trails off, expecting me to throw my two cents in, but I refrain and bite my tongue as he finishes, "we'll try and capture an alpha to prove who is stronger."

"Why?" I finally ask, leaning back in my chair while Aohdan catches my gaze in the process. I can see him ready to say something, eager as ever to make his own opinion known...though no matter what comes from his mouth is completely childish and immature.

Walter eyes me cautiously and I release a sigh when Arthur glares daggers, wishing they were more than likely physical ones. Taft arches a brow and grins from across the table, his gaze traveling between us all.

I don't disagree that we should be treated as villains when we don't kill humans...

...we just take the blood we need to survive. Yet, we're seen as monsters, that's it and that's all we'll ever be.

"Walter," Arthur butts in once again and I cast my gaze away, staring at one of the walls while he continues to tell his brother, "your idea is fantastic and I'm sure they'll learn we're not just equals, but we could be so much more."

Walter thinks this over for a moment before he makes his decision, "Aohdan," his voice draws Aohdan's attention as he continues, "if you wouldn't mind fetching your sister, she's studied a lot into the werewolves, no?"

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