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~Year 2100-Summer-

Lars was right...

...I'm smart and it got me absolutely nowhere.

Perhaps I was believing selfishly that the whole purpose of my brother being brought back to life was just that...no strings attached. For all I've come to realize is, without Tresor as he was the one to fulfill Kirsten's pact, where does that leave my brother?

Or the other thought I'd been trying to understand over the past eight years...

...an exchange, those were Lars' words.

Has he switched places with my brother?

Is Kev even alive?

Would I not feel our bond sever if he was killed?

There's so much I just don't understand and yes...I am absolutely selfish for keeping this to myself. If I wanted to tell Rose and Dante, then there is so much more that I'd have to explain that I'm still not ready to accept the consequences of my actions...spoken that is.

After eight years...I still do my own research...searching for Kev with nothing to be gained. Perhaps he was merely a shade on this world as only something very evil can restore life and change the fate of another.

I'm not strong, not in that way and since my little love has come into my life...I feel like digging up the past is only going to make things worse.

Rose sits on one of the couches in the library, a book resting open on the arm rest, her gaze flickers to that of Acacia and I seated across from one another staring at the chessboard and the moving parts.

This little love of mine...

...she's merely eight and already so much more perceptive and thinks quite analytically compared to an adult. She's way beyond her years mentally, though I can't say whether or not her being human...

"Daddy?" Acacia furrows her brows, her legs swinging back and forth as she looks over the chessboard. I'm just a bit distracted and I think she can see that, the way her cobalt eyes remind me so much of Rose as she looks up at me with so much wonder and amazement.

"Yes, Acacia?" I lean on my right arm as our stares meet with one another. The way she smiles...her kindness just lights up the room...that reminds me of Marc. She shows genuineness, and even though she's constantly thinking about every detail like I do...I see she means well in her actions toward others. My little love shows so much love for this world...

...though I do worry about if she's prepared for it. As I don't have anything against humanity...her being a human specifically to us three, it could easily put a target on her back and she doesn't have the physical strength to defend herself from any other species.

The doors to the room part and it's Dante that enters into the library, his strides nearing Rose as Acacia asks, "Why didn't you move your bishop here?" She points to a specific square on the board while Dante stands next to Rose.

I lift my gaze to see Dante's hand touch Rose's shoulder before she glances up to look at him. His lips claim hers in a warm and soft kiss, one that's brief before he pulls away and takes a seat next to her on the couch. His arm wraps around her and she pulls into his side while closing the book she had been reading.

"Well, then my queen would be completely open for you to take," my gaze falls back on my daughter while arching a brow. I see so much of me in her and I don't think it's for the best considering I've fucked up one too many times to even be allowed to have Rose as my beloved or Dante as my mate.

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