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~Year 2091-Winter-

Mercury is quick to take the platform steps while staring up first at me and then Arthur before saying, "Mommy says both of you need to hurry under the balcony."

I can see the apprehension in Dante's features when I cast him a quick glance, though I focus back at what's happening.

Cormac, I can't feel our mate!

Marc's thoughts slip through my mind and it's the exact same way that I felt...

What's happening? I'm already nearing the castle...Cormac?

"What's this about?" Arthur asks with slight confusion while I eye him up and down and notice the snow lingering on his clothes and boots.

"I don't know, but I think daddy's old slave is going to die," Mercury appears to be bored, though Arthur and I take a quick glance at one another before leaving the platform. Both of us walk quietly, unsure of what Mercury means as he is only a child and might not understand what he's seeing or what his mother really asked of him.

We near the door, though a moment later my heart skips a beat when we walk out into the snow. I hear that growl off in the far distance, turning in the direction of the side Mercury had mentioned...

The vampire bit her! She's dying, Cormac...why can't I feel her?!

We'd still be able to feel her if she was dying...though...I...

My thoughts trail off when I eventually see what Marc sees from a distance. Delaney is kneeling in the snow, blood staining and forking out everywhere from where she cradles Rose on her lap. There is blood everywhere...I can't tell where she was injured...

"What the..." my voice trails off while Arthur and I draw closer, my walls crashing down around me as everything begins to sink in.

Kirsten influenced Laisha further...

...now I understand her meaning. Rose can't have children if she's dead...

Gave her a nudge in the right direction?

Why is Laisha angry and why take it out on Rose?

Composing myself, I bring up the hard wall as my emotions reign in and stay in check. Glancing at Arthur, I allow him to lead this so I don't show any emotional attachment.

"What happened?" Arthur finally speaks, his eyes leaving Rose's form as his attention focuses on Delaney.

She shakes her head and says, "Mercury found her...someone slit her throat."

I flinch when she says this, but I keep a calm demeanor as Delaney's eyes lift to mine and she says, "I don't know who did it, but she's very weak and cold."

Laisha tried to end her life...

...though she made sure Rose couldn't heal. That's why I can't connect with her, she was more than likely injected with undiluted silver prior to this assassination attempt. Though...

My thoughts linger on Delaney.



"Well Slave?" Arthur's eyes find Rose's again and she squirms beneath his gaze, "Who did this to you?"


Rose remains silent as I can't even help her come up with a lie, our connection disconnected.

Someone tried to kill her...but they were unsuccessful...this is just another reason why I want you both far away from here very soon...

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