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~Year 2090-Winter-

"Why exactly is Laisha visiting with Arthur?" It's hard to conceal my anger after what Rose went through yesterday, Aohdan ignoring me while he abruptly stands from his chair in the office.

As I'd figured...he'd jumped down my coven member's throat the second he saw her and that's what led to our heated talk about how he's acting like a child who doesn't know how to take care of his toys. You can't break a toy just because you don't like it...not under the code, there needs just reason, especially with her being a personal slave.

Oh, you want to kill her because she's a vagrant...

...that's a viable reason, but let's see how that chat goes when questioned by Arthur.

Taft chuckles and shakes his head, watching the way we are standoffish to one another. He inquires, "Guess he had to find someone to replace Delaney."

"Don't you talk about my sister like that!" Aohdan's attention immediately lands on Taft. Taft simply shrugs his shoulders as if he couldn't give a single care in the world. He has absolutely no respect for the woman, though he's showing his son how to make people worship the ground you walk on and even worse...

...Mercury is going to think the relationship between Taft and Delaney is normal and that's how he's supposed to treat women...

A dangerous road I can only hope Delaney veers him from.

Sadly, somethings are genetic...

...I don't know if there's enough nurture in the world to change how Taft would raise his son, but that's not my business, it's theirs. Even if I were to voice my concerns, who knows if I'll have the same communication that I do have with Delaney now.

"Oh, so angry," Taft rolls his eyes and chuckles, "Laisha didn't give you a parting gift before their meeting?"

I step back and away the second I realize Aohdan's about to lash out at Taft. He hardly gets anywhere, Taft crouching down and quickly grabbing his elbow. A second later and he spins Aohdan around, pinning his arm behind his back before roughly shoving him to the ground.

"Ha, try that again and it'll end much more unpleasant," Taft smirks, eyeing me as I sigh with irritation. The only good thing...

...the fighting between us is taking place behind closed doors.

The council is supposed to be a strong united front... that's a laugh, if only the world knew.

"Get out of my sight," Aohdan growls with anger at Taft, standing to his feet while composing himself.

"Come on, why are you so angry?" Taft can't help but continue to push his buttons. You think he'd learn to stop provoking the bear.

Aohdan's eyes land on me and he snarls, "It wasn't your place to decide Rose's fate!"

"Neither was it yours!" I snap right back and argue, "I tasted her blood and she sure as hell didn't let that vampire into the estate..." my voice trails off dangerously, my lie much more viable than his, Taft enjoying the spectacle, "...so the next time you want to try and beat one of your slaves to death for no reason, make sure they're dead before I find out the truth."

"How exciting!" Taft claps his hands and chuckles, "Aohdan, you just wanted to let your frustration out on a slave with no wrong doing on their end?" He chastises him, "For shame...you know better, we uphold the code and others follow."

As twisted as Taft is, he does believe solely in the code and how it keeps balance...

...however one sided that balance is.

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