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~Year 2067-Autumn-

The world has gradually changed over the course of the summer months, heading into late autumn with the winter solstice right around the corner.

The new version of the Code of Conduct wasn't taken well by the humans however, it only took a few more casualties for them to see that they are now at the bottom of the food chain. Arthur's diligence in commanding respect through fear and intimidation tactics with the humans only took a few months to complete their transition.

There are those few humans who Arthur did mention would attempt to revolt, becoming the focal point of his aggression. Vagrants that were caught violating the code weren't merely killed on sight like the code mentioned...no, Arthur's idea to get the point across on a large world scale was much more cruel.

Vagrants were taken before castle Valentine, a public execution displayed on T.V.

Not only were their deaths a public event...

...they were tortured beyond recognition before Arthur would allow them to die.

This torture became the fear the humans held within their hearts, knowing that death would be a pleasurable escape in comparison to what they would endure prior.

It was only a few weeks into the new code that a lot began to change for the council itself. I found a very shocking present left on my door step from Arthur. Terrified human girls the age of sixteen to eighteen were given to me as presents, hoping he might be able to win me over by handing me slaves. I didn't want slaves however, Arthur made it a point that now we wouldn't have to go hunt for blood, they would forever provide the necessities for us.

For that reason alone, I allowed the human girls to stay within the walls of my estate.

Aside from the vastly changing world around me, I have kept busy with my own project...

Releasing a sigh, I lean back in my chair at my desk, my laptop open while I scan the screen for the hot subject matter as of late. For me, finding out exactly what Tresor can do is priority number one and if there are any hints as to how Kev fits into all this. While I run my fingers through my hair I can't help but wonder why Kirsten would have ever taken it upon herself to decide Kev's fate when destiny clearly had been written.

I rest my arm back against my chair, scanning through the wide knowledge of what the internet provides on the subject matter of warlocks and witches. Most accounts that I find are humans telling their own stories of encounters with these creatures. What bothers me though...

...everything that I've read so far appears to have been fabricated.

Speculation is all I find, nothing hard or concrete that I can further delve into.

What exactly does Tresor want?

He's clearly manipulating Arthur to some degree. Arthur's always been more determined, prideful and a very large ego than his brother Walter.

I tap my thumb against the edge of the keyboard, scrolling through another topic that stems from the very nature of warlocks and witches. Key terms that surface relate to that of possession, demonic type presences remaining among the rest of the mortals.

It's clear though that these are separate entities...the warlocks and witches versus demons.

Although I can see the similarities that range across the board, possession or compulsion remains the biggest factor in the way they interact with the world of the living. If what Kirsten said was true about the warlocks and witches being the puppeteers of this world while we remain the simple marionettes...

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